Hidden nature is secret God.

What have I to forgive and whom?

Do not be eager for things above.

The Person is a bubble on Time's sea.

When Reason died, then Wisdom was born.

Detachment is the beginning of mastery.

No danger can perturb my spirit's calm.

My God is love and sweetly suffers all.

All existence is a manifestation of God.

The soul in man is greater than his fate.

By your stumbling, the world is perfected.

We are sons of God And must be even as he.

There is a knowledge in the heart of sleep.

It will not do to depend on the mind alone.

Do not allow things to intrude from outside.

Knowledge gropes but meets not Wisdom's face.

The supreme end is the freedom of the spirit.

Fear not to be nothing that thou mayst be all.

Thy goal, the road thou choosest are thy fate.

One must have first of all a solid foundation.

Death fosters life that life may suckle death.

Our lives are God's messengers beneath the stars.

To feed death with her works is here life's doom.

Live within; be not shaken by outward happenings.

Propaganda is necessary only for the sake of money!

The mind of an ordinary man is truly near the heart.

Man in the world's life works out the dreams of God.

Be conscious first of thyself within, then think and act.

The heart's words fall back unheard from Wisdom's throne.

The Atheist is God playing at hide and seek with Himself.

Do not belong to the past dawns,but to the noons of future

One who loves God finds the object of his love everywhere.

Turn all things to honey; this is the law of divine living.

He who chooses the infinite has been chosen by the infinite.

Yes, it is difficult for man to cross beyond the idea of duty.

All desires and egoism will have to be banished from the being.

You have however within you an inclination towards completeness.

To make a revolution is not in the grain of our people's nature.

Life, the river of the Spirit, consenting to anguish and sorrow.

When we have passed beyond knowings, then we shall have Knowledge.

For all problems of existence are essentially problems of harmony.

The first principle of true teaching is that nothing can be taught.

In order to see, you have to stop being in the middle of the picture

[S]tand aside and watch the working of the divine power in yourself.

Rather hang thyself than belong to the horde of successful imitators.

A God who cannot smile, could not have created this humorous universe.

Peace is the first condition, without which nothing else can be stable.

The supreme state of human love is...the unity of one soul in two bodies.

Our human knowledge is a candle burnt On a dim altar to a sun-vast Truth.

To listen to some devout people, one would imagine that God never laughs.

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