In real life, I'm very rational, and I'm not very dramatic.

I can sing, but it isn't something I crave to do professionally.

I went through a phase where I wanted to be a writer... but it's not social enough.

I'm a bit of a nomad anyway, so I find it quite easy to settle in places very quickly.

I love Celtic music and listening to it, but I just don't have the type of voice to sing it.

I believe there's a job in the fish factory for me. That's enough to get me through every audition.

My parents are a wonderful mixture of bohemian eccentric, but also incredibly practical and not airy-fairy.

You've got to be dedicated and throw yourself into parts and auditions in a way that is completely selfless.

I was a feral child. Always on the go. My mother used to sew bells into my dresses so they would know where I was.

It's not like they just open the gate to Hollywood and off you go - you earn your stripes. I worked ferociously hard even just to get an agent.

Auditioning for 'Philomena' was such a traumatic experience because I had three callbacks, and I was absolutely positive that I was just an option.

If you're not getting work, make your own work. I think that's a good mentality. I suppose I take my drive from my mother and my practicality from my father.

When I ask my parents, it's incredibly obvious I was going to have a creative career at an early age. I've been forever telling stories since I was very young.

My mother is not a Catholic, but she's always tried to drag my brother and my sister and I to church from a very young age, and we have always put up a little bit of a rebellion against it.

What I find relatively funny is that I'm not a model. I'm five foot six and a half; I have absolutely no dream or desire to be a model, I don't live for fashion. But when an opportunity comes your way very early in your career, like Burberry, you do it.

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