All Italians speak Spanish without studying.

Jimmy Carter is the most intelligent. Jimmy Carter is a good man.

When I want to really eat great, I eat at home when my wife cooks.

One time, I was young. I was skinny. I was elegant. Getting old is terrible.

If you don't have a pool in Las Vegas, you have to put your children in the icebox.

My philosophy is that one must always give a lady what she wants. That never goes out of style.

Le Cirque is strictly New York people. New York people don't eat at home; New York people go out.

The blueberry-soy weight-loss smoothies my son makes for me taste terrible, but my doctor says they're good for me.

I was born in a house where my family lived for 300 years. I was born in the home where my grandfather was born in.

It didn't get any more glamorous than Havana, Cuba, in the 1950s. I used to go there when I was a waiter on a cruise ship.

I like simple food, seasoned with just salt, pepper, oil and vinegar. Complicated food and complicated lives are never good.

Our pasta primavera was born when I promised fresh pasta with tomatoes and basil to critic Craig Claiborne, but we had no tomatoes.

I really hate to get old. I don't talk about it much. And sometimes at night I wake up and I have nightmares that I know how old I am.

In the eighties, we had the ladies who lunch, the power lunch - everything was power. At the beginning of the nineties, things changed.

I try to be happy, but I'm never happy. I don't believe in happiness. I was happy yesterday, but today and tomorrow is a different story.

No one could touch the home cooking of an Italian woman. French women, they are very intelligent, very sexy - but they don't like to cook.

Paris is great. I stay at the Ritz Paris - I'm good friends with the Director, Frank Klein, and the owner. I lived there 3 years; I was the only foreigner working at Maxim's. They only took French, which was a mistake.

We are thrilled with the response we are getting to Le Cirque at The Leela Palace New Delhi. Our goal is to bring a luxury dining experience consistent with international standards of excellence to the expanding and discerning clientele in India.

My wife, she is so good. She was a famous singer - had a show in Carnegie Hall, did a big city tour for RCA. Then she made the mistake of marrying me. The next year, another tour, but the third year, she had Mario and said, 'Either I'm a mother or a singer.'

I lived in Cuba - I was there for one year in the 1950s. We built the famous nightclub, which is still there, Tropicana, and a restaurant, Montecatini, that I opened is still there. I was there when the U.S. ambassador said everyone must leave because Castro was arriving the next morning.

I started to work at the Colony in March 1958. I remember my first day because the telephone started to ring, and it was Sinatra, three for lunch, his usual table; Onassis, two for lunch, usual table; the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Leland Hayward, Truman Capote, all wanting their usual tables.

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