My goal is a tech-free Saturday.

I invariably do some of my best thinking on Saturdays.

When Princeton plays Harvard, I'm rooting for Princeton, of course. Go Tigers!

Get a minimum viable product out there, test it out, see how customers respond.

When I need to decompress, I grab a glass of wine, some popcorn, and a great book.

I'm president of my children's day school and have a tremendous passion for education.

If I can get together once a month with eight people I hold dear, that's a real win to me.

This is Staples. On a good day, we get to stay at the Marriott Courtyard. We have a frugal culture.

Every executive should be able to say four things: 'I don't know,' 'I need help,' 'I was wrong,' and 'Thank you.'

'Make more happen' highlights how Staples is reinventing itself to provide every product businesses need to succeed.

The most important item on my desk is a picture of my husband and three kids making kooky faces at my niece's wedding. We all look silly and happy.

I was first hired at Staples in 1992, by company founder Tom Stemberg and eventual CEO Ron Sargent, to be the first director of marketing and merchandising for the catalog business.

I love pens, especially when writing on good-quality paper. But I don't have a favorite - I try all kinds in all colors. Like most folks, I misplace them a lot, so I don't use anything too fancy.

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