I didn't read the book on how to be a well-adjusted celebrity.

Respected, I almost want to be revered, that's what I'm chasing.

Animation has completely changed and I've always been a big fan.

I'm very picky and I'm in a situation where it's a big crossover.

Animation has completely changed, and I've always been a big fan.

We're living through the twilight of American economic dominance.

My mom is the backbone not just of my family but of many families.

I like messing around, and I like working with artists who I respect.

I go to sleep at night, and I feel like I just dreamed the whole day.

Sometimes I feel I'm living a meaningless life, and I get frightened.

My family's lineage is five generations of artists who never made it.

In my parents' generation, rebellion was pop culture. It's not anymore.

I come from divorce. I'm only doing marriage once. It's not a game for me.

I wasn't cocky, just confident; I went to an all black school, a white kid.

Agents are used to the parents pimping. They're not used to the kid pimping.

I'm a little territorial and defensive. I don't like having my space invaded.

No, I come for a hippy lifestyle, it's very open; my parents are both hippies.

Sometimes perception is almost more important than the skill level of an actor.

As an actor, the minute you start getting real in interviews, you lose mystery.

I trained more than anybody ever in a golf film ever made - my swing is pretty hot.

There's no room for being a visionary in the studio system. It literally cannot exist.

My mom is at my house every day, and she nags me about everything, especially hygiene.

You can prepare all you want, but if you never roll the dice you'll never be successful.

Literature is an easier way to study acting, because then you can take any kind of spin.

It's good filmmaking when you don't have to say anything and you can still tell the story.

I love doing stuff that I haven't done before. That's the goal: To keep reinventing myself.

I'm Richie Rich. I land in New York, secretly thinking I'm like the coolest guy in the world.

When golf used to be a rich man's sport, if you were poor you could not step foot on a course.

I'm a video game fan, and I always thought it would be cool to be able to control a character.

The hardest thing in acting is going from child actor to adult actor. It's taken me a long time.

No, I was an unknown when I walked in that room. He didn't know who I was from a fly on the wall.

I'm trying to find a way to eat up time without being destructive, 'cause that's my go-to, it seems.

I've had to deal with all different types of situations - positive and negative and extremes of both.

I am a season ticket holder to Dodger games. I go to every Dodger game I can go to. Every single one.

At this point I have enough money to live 25 lifetimes. You couldn't spend the money I've accrued now.

I'm not a celebrity, I've kind of been under the radar, has kept it easier for me to maintain a career.

Have you ever noticed how most critics disagree with the public? That should tell you a lot about critics.

I turned down twelve films last year... Huge money films, but I had no respect for the writer or the work.

I would like to be George Clooney diplomatic. I just don't have the wherewithal yet or the inner serenity.

I would like to be George Clooney - diplomatic. I just don't have the wherewithal yet or the inner serenity.

To be able to sit in Donald Trump's apartment and talk about the future of corporate real estate was amazing.

Well, there's different shades of Hollywood, sure. I mean, I'm working in this business but I'm not Hollywood.

I understand why marriages break up over golf. I can't even talk about my own handicap because it's too upsetting.

What's cool is when you're able to give your audience imagination and you don't have to cage them in like animals.

You can't buy back your respect; you can't buy back your career. You only get one, so I don't want to mess that up.

Comics, for me, is being able to sing alone in the shower. I find it freeing. You just pick up a pen and get to it.

I like the dark, mysterious, maybe even gothic type girls. They have to have a good personality too! I'm very picky!

People were going to geometry class and I was swimming through vats of chili on 'Even Stevens.' It was like a dream!

I want my audience to know me for my work, not because of who I'm dating or what drugs I'm on or what club I went to.

It's really easy to fall for someone on-set, but in the end you know, it's a representative and it's not really them.

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