My father is from Brooklyn, but we spoke Dutch at home.

I think that the Netherlands can learn a lot from the American team spirit.

The Premier League is good, but I don't know if it fits my style. It is very physical.

We all want to win the World Cup, achieve great things, not only personally but also as a team for the U.S.

In Dutch football you see a lot of individual quality, but in American football it's really about teamwork. That really appeals to me.

I want to be the most expensive full-back ever because when you reach that it shows that you are one of the best full-back of the world.

The first couple days I didn't realize it that much, but when I look back, I'm just like, 'Wow, I play for Barcelona!' Because everything went so fast the first couple days.

I don't feel the pressure, in the negative sense of the word. Yes in the positive sense. I am the first American to debut with Barca and I'm very proud. Now I want to be the first to succeed at Barca.

We haven't achieved really big things yet with the U.S., so I think everybody wants to be the first one, and that's why everybody is so motivated to develop yourself and to win the first big trophy for the country.

Actually, until a few years ago, my English was very poor. I wasn't thinking of my American roots at all, until I went to play in an American youth team. From that moment, my English improved, and I started to feel more American.

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