This mournful truth is everywhere confessed, slow rises worth by poverty depressed.

He that will enjoy the brightness of sunshine, must quit the coolness of the shade.

Nature has given women so much power that the law has very wisely given them little.

Glory, the casual gift of thoughtless crowds! Glory, the bribe of avaricious virtue!

In all pointed sentences, some degree of accuracy must be sacrificed to conciseness.

To a people warlike and indigent, an incursion into a rich country is never hurtful.

Some have little power to do good, and have likewise little strength to resist evil.

Wine gives a man nothing... it only puts in motion what had been locked up in frost.

When desperate ills demand a speedy cure, Distrust is cowardice, and prudence folly.

The king who makes war on his enemies tenderly distresses his subjects most cruelly.

The seeds of knowledge may be planted in solitude, but must be cultivated in public.

A man is not obliged honestly to answer a question which should not properly be put.

The majority have no other reason for their opinions than that they are the fashion.

A horse that can count to ten is a remarkable horse, not a remarkable mathematician.

Babies do not want to hear about babies; they like to be told of giants and castles.

I hate mankind, for I think myself one of the best of them, and I know how bad I am.

In traveling, a man must carry knowledge with him, if he would bring home knowledge.

Hope is an amusement rather than a good, and adapted to none but very tranquil minds.

Ignorance cannot always be inferred from inaccuracy; knowledge is not always present.

I do not care to speak ill of a man behind his back, but I believe he is an attorney.

It is a maxim that no man was ever enslaved by influence while he was fit to be free.

Pain and disease awaken us to convictions which are necessary to our moral condition.

Care that is once enter'd into the breast Will have the whole possession ere it rest.

The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Cucumber should be well sliced, dressed with pepper and vinegar, and then thrown out.

Sir, I have found you an argument; but I am not obliged to find you an understanding.

Advice is offensive, it shows us that we are known to others as well as to ourselves.

If we require more perfection from women than from ourselves, it is doing them honor.

Whatever is proposed, it is much easier to find reasons for rejecting than embracing.

There ambush here relentless ruffians lay, And here the fell attorney prowls for prey.

The happiest part of a man's life is what he passes lying awake in bed in the morning.

We have always pretensions to fame which, in our own hearts, we know to be disputable.

Most men are more willing to indulge in easy vices than to practise laborious virtues.

Lawyers know life practically. A bookish man should always have them to converse with.

The wretched have no compassion, they can do good only from strong principles of duty.

Nay, Madam, when you are declaiming, declaim; and when you are calculating, calculate.

Turn on the prudent Ant, thy heedful eyes, Observe her labours, Sluggard, and be wise. will not always happen that the success of a poet is proportionate to his labor.

The uncertainty of death is, in effect, the great support of the whole system of life.

Men have been wise in many different modes; but they have always laughed the same way.

Pleasure that is obtained by unreasonable and unsuitable cost must always end in pain.

The world is not yet exhausted: let me see something tomorrow which I never saw before.

A man is very apt to complain of the ingratitude of those who have risen far above him.

Fine clothes are good only as they supply the want of other means of procuring respect.

Guilt once harbored in the conscious breast, intimidates the brave, degrades the great.

Of all the grief's that harass the distressed; sure the most bitter is a scornful jest.

There is no book so poor that it would not be a prodigy if wholly made by a single man.

Extended empires are like expanded gold, exchanging solid strength for feeble splendor.

Hides from himself his state, and shuns to know That life protracted is protracted woe.

Knowledge is more than equivalent to force. The master of mechanics laughs at strength.

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