It is generally agreed, that few men are made better by affluence or exaltation.

Allow children to be happy in their own way, for what better way will they find?

It is in refinement and elegance that the civilized man differs from the savage.

The happiness of London is not to be conceived but by those who have been in it.

Friendship may well deserve the sacrifice of pleasure, though not of conscience.

The cure for the greatest part of human miseries is not radical, but palliative.

A family ... is a little kingdom, torn with factions and exposed to revolutions.

Large offers and sturdy rejections are among the most common topics of falsehood.

People in general do not willingly read if they have anything else to amuse them.

He left the name at which the world grew pale, To point a moral, or adorn a tale.

Abuse is often of service. There is nothing so dangerous to an author as silence.

The life of a solitary man will be certainly miserable, but not certainly devout.

Language is only the instrument of science, and words are but the signs of ideas.

A soldier's time is passed in distress and danger, or in idleness and corruption.

Must helpless man, in ignorance sedate, roll darkly down the torrent of his fate.

Trust as little as you can to report, and examine all you can by your own senses.

The whole world is put in motion by the wish for riches and the dread of poverty.

Sir, if a man has a mind to prance, he must study at Christ Church and All Souls.

A man seldom thinks with more earnestness of anything than he does of his dinner.

You hesitate to stab me with a word, and know not - silence is the sharper sword.

Of a thousand shavers, two do not shave so much alike as not to be distinguished.

Many need no other provocation to enmity than that they find themselves excelled.

Gratitude is a fruit of great cultivation; you do not find it among gross people.

Bounty always receives part of its value from the manner in which it is bestowed.

How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty among the drivers of negroes?

Every quotation contributes something to the stability or enlargement of language.

In all political regulations, good cannot be complete, it can only be predominant.

Cautious age suspects the flattering form, and only credits what experience tells.

The best part of every author is in general to be found in his book, I assure you.

Wickedness is always easier than virtue; for it takes the short cut to everything.

To be free it is not enough to beat the system, one must beat the system every day

Sir, I did not count your glasses of wine, why should you number up my cups of tea?

There can be no friendship without confidence, and no confidence without integrity.

One of the disadvantages of wine is that it makes a man mistake words for thoughts.

This was a good dinner enough, to be sure, but it was not a dinner to ask a man to.

No evil is insupportable but that which is accompanied with consciousness of wrong.

Let us be quick to repent of injuries while repentance may not be a barren anguish.

Every man wishes to be wise, and they who cannot be wise are almost always cunning.

It is common to overlook what is near by keeping the eye fixed on something remote.

The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.

Each change of many-colour'd life he drew, Exhausted worlds, and then imagin'd new.

Pour forth thy fervors for a healthful mind, Obedient passions, and a will resigned

There are in every age new errors to be rectified and new prejudices to be opposed.

The equity of Providence has balanced peculiar sufferings with peculiar enjoyments.

Adversity leads us to think properly of our state, and so is most beneficial to us.

No man was more foolish when he had not a pen in his hand, or more wise when he had

[W]ith an unquiet mind, neither exercise, nor diet, nor physick can be of much use.

It is man's own fault, it is from want of use, if his mind grows torpid in old age.

A man who exposes himself when he is intoxicated, has not the art of getting drunk.

Reflect that life, like every other blessing, Derives its value from its use alone.

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