Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly.

While I am busy with little things, I am not required to do greater things.

Nothing appeases an enraged elephant so much as the sight of a little lamb.

I have made a pact with my tongue, not to speak when my heart is disturbed.

We must visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament a hundred thousand times a day.

You can attract more bees with a spoonful of sugar than a cupful of vinegar.

Whatever happens, abide steadfast in a determination to cling simply to God.

He prays well who is so absorbed with God that he does not know he is praying.

Doing little things with a strong desire to please God makes them really great.

Friendships begun in this world will be taken up again, never to be broken off.

Great occasions for serving God come seldom, but little ones surround us daily.

One single day of devotion is worth more than a thousand years of worldly life.

Though perseverance does not come from our power, yet it comes within our power.

Humility makes our lives acceptable to God, meekness makes us acceptable to men.

There is nothing as strong as tenderness, And nothing as tender as true strength.

We can never attain to perfection while we have an affection for any imperfection.

Consider all the past as nothing, and say, like David: Now I begin to love my God.

What we need is a cup of understanding, a barrel of love, and an ocean of patience.

Souls do not wish to be bullied, but gently brought back; such is the nature of man.

We are sometimes so busy being good angels that we neglect to be good men and women.

God will either shield you from suffering or give you unfailing strength to bear it.

It is wonderful how attractive a gentle, pleasant manner is, and how much it wins hearts.

Is it not a great temptation to be so valiant in imagination and so cowardly in execution?

Charity and devotion differ no more, the one from the other, than the flame from the fire.

Many would be willing to have afflictions provided that they not be inconvenienced by them.

It is to those who have the most need of us that we ought to show our love more especially.

Flowers often grow more beautifully on dung-hills than in gardens that look beautifully kept.

A good discourse is that from which nothing can be retrenched without cutting into the quick.

By giving yourself to God, You not only receive Himself in exchange, but eternal life as well.

Faith fills a man with love for the beauty of its truth, with faith in the truth of its beauty

It matters little how one begins, provided that he be resolved to go on well, and to end well.

There is no better means of attainment to the spiritual life Than by continually beginning again.

One single act done with aridity of spirit is worth more than many done with feelings of devotion.

Big fires flare up in a wind, but little ones are blown out unless they are carried in under cover.

A dance is the devil's procession, and he that entereth into a dance, entereth into his possession.

Every Christian needs a half-hour of prayer each day, except when he is busy, then he needs an hour.

The spirit cannot endure the body when overfed, but, if underfed, the body cannot endure the spirit.

There are no galley-slaves in the royal vessel of divine love - every man works his oar voluntarily!

Half an hour's meditation each day is essential, except when you are busy. Then a full hour is needed.

He who can preserve gentleness amid pains, and peace amid worry multitude of affairs, is almost perfect.

Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her arms with a perfect confidence.

We have freedom to do good or evil; yet to make choice of evil, is not to use, but to abuse our freedom.

I have the same opinion of dances that physicians have of mushrooms: the best of them are good for nothing.

Humility consists in not esteeming ourselves above other men, and in not seeking to be esteemed above them.

Faith is like a bright ray of sun light. It enables us to see God in all things as well as all things in God.

Those who pray from the heart do not think about the prayer they are saying, but about the God to whom they pray.

Don't get upset with your imperfections. Surrender to the Power of God's Love, which is greater than our weakness.

What son would not bring his mother back to life and would not bring her into paradise after her death if he could?

When you encounter difficulties and contradictions, do not try to break them, but bend them with gentleness and time.

Let us be what God likes, so long as we are His, and let us not be what we want to be, if it is against his intention.

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