Wearing heels is no joke.

I just always wanted to get married young.

I don't think I know better than what the cosmos has in store for me.

When I moved out to L.A., I went on 156 auditions before I booked a single thing.

My relationship to 'Rocky Horror' probably started when I was younger than my parents would like me to admit.

When they made 'Rocky Horror' in the '70s, they had no idea it would become this 41-year phenomenon that it has become.

Everyone sort of has that voice of self-doubt in their head, but as an artist, you relinquish your right to have that voice.

'Rocky Horror' is not a movie - it's a movement. It is a made by the fans, and it is what it is because of what the fans have done.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I think it's really important to remake things. If you never remake the classics, no one would know Shakespeare.

While I am very grateful for the role social media plays in my ability to interact so personally with my fans, I also see time and time again how it negatively affects social relationships of the younger generation.

I do everything in my power to promote positivity however and whenever I can; and, constructively and softly, try to encourage tweens and teens that if they want to be part of a dialogue on my social platforms, there is an expectation that they do so with poise and respect.

I don't think of bouncing between acting and singing as a transition but rather as an expansion. I love both crafts so deeply, I feel my heart and soul have no choice but to explore both. I could never choose between the two of them. I am passionate about both for equal yet different reasons.

Firing insults anonymously behind the keys of a message board, slandering other people's beliefs or opinions, this happens on a daily basis in my comment section or on my feed. Cyber-bullying and, further, online social ignorance, is a very real problem, typically without any real consequence.

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