I got kicked out of Harvard after three weeks.

In order for Republicans... to grow its ranks, it must reflect America.

The U.S. should incentivize energy production instead of penalizing it.

I just care about the heart and soul of our country and the direction it's headed in.

My goal is to give our taxpayers greater access and visibility into how their taxpayer dollars are being spent.

I was very thankful that my mother was a very strong mom. She was mom and dad. She is mom and dad. She is my hero.

I share certain conservative values, but I also believe there is a certain humanity in the basic way you treat people.

People realized that I'm willing to stand up for things that I believe in, despite the political consequences and overwhelming pressure.

Good jobs that allow Coloradans to pursue their dreams and provide for their families are vital to a prosperous country and empower each person.

I was always the one pushing the envelope, stirring things up, sometimes getting in trouble. I was always the first one to get a spanking as a kid.

Does racism exist in this country? Sure. But I think the overwhelming majority of Americans who care about this country do not care about skin color.

My interest in this Senate seat really had nothing to do with President Obama's success. I've been convinced that the right person can win, regardless.

I know what it takes to win. I know a general election is going to come down to not only Republican voters but my ability to connect with independent and women voters.

I chose the Republican Party because of the principles the party was founded on. This was the party of freedom. This was the party that sought the abolition of slavery.

We must re-ignite that American spirit in order to create good jobs, to keep America safe from terror, to replace Obamacare with consumer choice solutions, and to secure our borders.

As a father, small businessman, Navy intelligence veteran, and co-founder of a public charter school, I'm ready to bring common-sense solutions to how we move America in a better direction.

If you do right by people, and you talk to the basic issues most people care about and have a vision for how we can achieve so much more as a country, as a community, I believe that resonates with people.

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