Truth can hurt so very much.

I write because I love doing it.

Nemeses aren't born. They are made.

I am mortified by my music choices.

Books are often far more than just books.

In Hollywood, a normal-size body is unruly.

Whiteness is not the default in my fiction.

Violence is not the answer but neither is peace.

Feminism is definitely a part of everything I do.

If I am ever in the spotlight, I want to look good.

I am trying to keep growing and improving as a writer.

Violence is a common part of far too many women's lives.

I would rather be a bad feminist than no feminist at all.

My dad is a workaholic so I take after him in this respect.

If I cannot rest and relax, all the work I do is for naught.

I'll learn how to rest, though. I can still learn new tricks.

I don't know that anyone in the United States is taught to rest.

I never imagined any of the success I am currently experiencing.

Twitter is my happy place. I am not there to overthink 140 characters.

I don't want the success to go away. I don't want it to seem unearned.

No one is helped when cultural critics use their voices irresponsibly.

In truth, I don't care about making feminism more accessible to anyone.

I can't please everyone. I am trying not to let the pressure consume me.

You cannot reason with people who don't recognize the humanity in all of us.

If we look too closely at many historical figures, we won't like what we see.

Love your friends' kids, even if you don't want or like children. Just do it.

The past is always with you. Some people want to be protected from this truth.

If people cannot be flawed in fiction there's no place left for us to be human.

When you can’t find someone to follow, you have to find a way to lead by example.

I read constantly because there is so much to learn from the writing in the world.

I am trying so very hard to stay in the moment despite the ferocity of my ambition.

When you look past the image, a celebrity is merely a person you know nothing about.

Readers need to stop assuming characters are white if race isn't explicitly defined.

After the Boston Marathon bombings, people shared grief and outrage on social media.

Most of the time, writing is a lot of fun, and not a small amount of self-medication.

We cannot sway extremists with rational thought or with our ideas of right and wrong.

Beyonce is not above critique. As a feminist herself, I hope Beyonce would welcome it.

I write toward both idealism and reality - how things are and how I wish they could be.

I see my tweets as a current joining a bunch of other currents in the world's craziest ocean.

Writing, at its best and truest, can offer solace and salvation for both readers and writers.

I think it was really entering my 30s that I began to embrace feminism and call myself a feminist.

Some women being empowered does not prove the patriarchy is dead. It proves that some of us are lucky.

We have to believe that we can hold different points of view without labeling each other bad feminists.

My parents have been married for 42 years. Their marriage has been - from what I can see - a happy one.

Fiction offers escape but it also interrogates the world we live in, whether the past, present or future.

Intellectually, I know I am worthy, however arbitrary a thing worthiness is, and have always been worthy.

In truth, feminism is flawed because it is a movement powered by people and people are inherently flawed.

Good fiction challenges us as much as it entertains and these days, we could do with both of these things.

Demands for solidarity can quickly turn into demands for groupthink, making it difficult to express nuance.

I approach most things in life with a dangerous level of confidence to balance my generally low self-esteem.

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