Never marry anyone you could not sit next to during a three-day bus ...

Never marry anyone you could not sit next to during a three-day bus trip.

We laugh, that we may not cry.

Are vampires kinky? I didn't know.

We are the playthings of the gods.

My newspaper job … is my identity.

A film is a terrible thing to waste.

Sometimes it's all about the casting.

Sometimes, it's all about the casting.

We spend too much time hiding illness.

Some of these people make my skin crawl.

Film theory has nothing to do with film.

The Academy is paranoid about its image.

Films like Fargo are why I love the movies.

We must try to contribute joy to the world.

I'd rather be called a N*gger than a Slave.

The very fact of snow is such an amazement.

Friends don't let Jackasses drink and drive.

Most of us do not consciously look at movies.

Time is what the depressed and panicked lack.

Kindness’ covers all of my political beliefs.

Pixar is the first studio that is a movie star.

What you see is so much less than what you get.

Artists are rarely members of the popular crowd.

If you have to ask what it symbolizes, it didn't.

Movies are like a machine that generates empathy.

We don't have a lot of class-conscious filmmaking.

Movies absorb our attention more completely, I think.

All good art is about something deeper than it admits.

I don't think Bush was legitimately elected President.

Movies are not about moving, but about whether to move.

Every great film should seem new every time you see it.

It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it.

We are poor mortals, but it dreams to us that we can fly.

In the world of acting, many are thin but few are talented.

The Muse visits during the process of creation, not before.

No good movie is too long and no bad movie is short enough.

All I know is, it is better to be the whale than the squid.

Praise without merit is more harmful than unearned criticism.

Of what use is freedom of speech to those who fear to offend?

Many really good films allow us to empathize with other lives.

But the fact is, most people are not going to be rich someday.

I believe empathy is the most essential quality of civilization.

What makes people interesting is the spirit that shines through.

I'm told we movie critics praise movies that are long and boring.

Marlon Brando is the most influential movie actor of the century.

In Hollywood, 'under development' means 'all I have is the title.'

The moment a man stops dreaming is the moment he petrifies inside.

I felt it would to add a great deal to my legend for eccentricity.

Oh, here comes Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny and Jimmy Smits!

To call "A Lot like Love" dead in the water is an insult to water.

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