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No matter what you are experiencing in life right now, trust that all is unfolding in your best interests.
Your creativity comes from the universal source of all creation, the source of all intelligence and wisdom.
Remember, every great leader (or visionary or brave thinker) was initially laughed at. Now they are revered.
It's amazing how far you will get by just staying with something long enough. Most people give up too early.
We live in a world where many of us have a lot of friends on Facebook but yet we have lost human connection.
Life isn't much more than a big dig through layers of doubt and fear into new levels of power and potential.
If you really want to be world class - to be the best you can be - it comes down to preparation and practice.
What distinguishes success from failures is that the successes constantly thirst for new ideas and knowledge.
The best way to create spectacular results in the most important areas of your life is through daily practice
Brilliant results don't just show up by chance. The finest things in life take patience, focus and sacrifice.
Success lies in a masterful consistency around a few fundamentals. It really is simple. Not easy. But simple.
Every person that you meet knows at least one thing that you don't. Don't let them leave without learning it.
All of the great geniuses of the world were inspired and driven by their desire to enrich the lives of others.
See your life as a giant adventure. Keep pushing the envelope, and remember that every dream starts off small.
To double your net worth, double your self-worth. Because you will never exceed the height of your self-image.
Daily exercise is an insurance policy against future illness. The best Leaders Without Titles are the fittest.
Time is your most precious commodity and yet most of us live our lives as if we have all the time in the world.
Small daily - seemingly insignificant - improvements and innovations lead to staggering achievements over time.
Truly enlightened people never seek to be like others. Rather, they seek to be superior to their former selves.
You know i was just thinking that it's better to die trying [to live your bravest dream] than to live sleeping.
Your struggles have not been a waste. They've come to strengthen you. And grow your capacity to lead - and win.
Would you rather live your life according to the approval of others or aligned with your truth and your dreams?
Every minute spent worrying about 'the way things were' is a moment stolen from creating 'the way things can be'
To become successful, first learn how to be happy. Too many think that the route to happiness is to get successful
Every day can be a platform to get you closer to your mountaintop. And yet, too many people live life by accident.
The more messes you allow into your life, the more messes will become a normal (and acceptable) part of your life.
Less gossiping, more learning. Less complaining, more excelling. Less walls, more bridges. Less fear, more courage
Our minds are shaped by the books we read. Our characters, by the people we meet. Our spirits by the love we give.
The more successful you and your organization become, the more humble and devoted to your customers you need to be.
The great danger of being around un-excellent people is that you start to become like them without even knowing it.
If your priorities don't get scheduled into your planner, other people's priorities will get put into your planner.
When you fall, feel the pain. And then stand up. You were born for victory. And failure has no place in your world.
Your greatest asset is your learning ability. The ordinary stroke their egos - the exceptional polishes their craft
The moment we think we're masters of our crafts is the moment we've lost the hunger to become masters of our crafts.
Leadership is no longer about position - but passion. It's no longer about image but impact. This is Leadership 2.0.
A runner doesn't just show up and win a race. He trains long and hard. Do you just show up every day and hope to win?
Your environment (your home, your office, the magazines you read etc.) dramatically affects your levels of achievement
Great achievement often happens when our backs are up against the wall. Pressure can actually enhance your performance.
Leave everyone you meet better than you found them. Become an encourager of potential versus a destroyer of confidence.
Aging only happens to people who lose their lust for getting better and disconnect from their natural base of curiosity.
Stop complaining about having no time for yourself and get up an hour earlier. You have the option, why not exercise it?
Gratitude drives happiness. Happiness boosts Productivity. Productivity reveals mastery. And mastery inspires the world.
Try and get out into nature for even 30 min. each day to clear your head + think + walk + breathe. Great daily practice.
If your in business your in show business. The moment you get to work your on stage. Give your performance of your life.
You know, when you're real and speak your truth (in respectful ways), people won't always like you. But you'll like you.
To get all that life wants for you, apply what I call the Boomerang Effect: Give out what you most want to see come back.
Education is the beginning of transformation. Dedicate yourself to daily learning via books/audios/seminars and coaching.
Focus. Focus. Focus...on your burning priorities. Say no to everything else. Life's short. You only get one shot at great.
Lasting happiness comes from steadily working to accomplish your goals and advancing in the direction of your life's purpose.
Money is a function of value creation. The more value you create for other people, the higher the sales of your organization.