There is no authority but yourself.

Chaykin's Shadow is a modern legend at his best.

One cannot grow beauty in the soil of hate and pain.

You always romanticize the past as soon as the future begins to frighten you.

To get through a war, a man needs something bigger than himself to fight for.

Anybody who is afraid of reading a page of text is not the reader that I want.

It wasn't until I'd met everyone else's measure of success that I realized I'd failed myself.

I do my very best to not allow external trends or zeitgeists to feed into what I'm producing.

I can take strange detours and linger in places and do things that have no budgetary restraints.

Dad was supportive, intelligent, read to me as a kid, left me a trillion dollars. It's hard to complain.

A lot of the time you just have to follow your creative muse and do what you think is best for the story.

Compromise is such an integral part of being a human being. You're compromising in every decision you make.

The seeds for the Descendants were planted in Uncanny X-Force, but I always conceived them as being bigger than just that book.

Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie's The Wicked + The Divine is a warp into the middle of a wildly imaginative mythology and I'm itching to read more.

I think that people who don't mind reading find the immersion and their ability to get into a deeper place with the story to be satisfying. That's the kind of reader I want.

Any place that manufactures humans into weapons is going to piss off a couple members of X-Force. I always want a personal reason for why these characters take on these missions.

I enjoy nothing more than creating new series and watching them grow in front of me month by month. It's a muscle I spent many years developing and it feels good to be using it again.

Nothing can compare to creating characters and worlds out of thin air with your friends and making a book exactly the way you think it should be made, pure creative freedom, purity of intention, with no boundaries.

The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants has a huge plan that stems from the earlier issues of Uncanny X-Force. Archangel's fall was really the smaller consequence from killing the child Apocalypse. This is the big consequence.

Final Execution is Wolverine's spotlight arc. He goes through a crazy thing here. I think the fear with him is that he's in so many books that his growth can become stagnant. He ends this story in a very different place.

I think the biggest mistake you can make in creator owned work is having info-dumps like, "Here's how this world works!" it's just like someone playing dungeon master and boring me with the backstory of their fucking world. Just bring me into you story and get it cooking.

We are all so immersed in our own technology bubbles that we're ignoring so many important things. We're all online arguing over nuance and nonsense, and everybody's so incensed and upset about things that ultimately mean nothing while we are destroying our environment. While we're racing towards Armageddon, we're all online arguing about what Beyonce said at some award.

There are only three kinds of people. LEADERS. Those who take charge, build, inspire, and create. FOLLOWERS. Those who support leaders and work to achieve mutually beneficial goals.... [and] DESTROYERS. Destroyers cannot find it within themselves to follow anyone, their hatred and insecurity is too pure to see strength in any OTHER being. The utterly lack the ability to inspire or create, so they do the only thing left to them -- they tear down all they come in contact with.

Right after the 9/11 attacks I was living near Oakland in California with a buddy who had also grown up in the skate/punk scene of the 80s. We were so shell-shocked from the attacks that we sort of regressed into this childlike mode of filling our apartment with '80s memorabilia. We got all of our favorite skateboard decks off of eBay, bought a bunch of old independent trucks, we got a credit card so that we could buy 720 off of a videogame vendor, we sat around listening to T.S.O.L. and The Misfits playing 720 and pretending that we were still living in our childhood.

It's much harder to say "I'm going to kill three of the biggest characters in your universe in a gruesome bloodbath." There can be a lot of differing opinions in a mainstream comic book, you know? "Rogue would never do this!" But I can say, "No, Rogue suffered the death of Charles Xavier and it broke her down and she stumbled into a dark place and she started fixating on the Scarlet Witch as the cause of it all" — which, there is a logical chain of events that lead to the Scarlet Witch. And in the confusion, she thought Wanda was up to doing it again and she did what she thought was best.

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