God, give me a good humiliation every day. It's good for the soul and it's good for the ego.

To give, and not demand that others receive . . . that is the crossover point to maturity. . .

The true mystic is always both humble and compassionate, for she knows that she does not know.

It seems we are suffering from a very narrow and self serving reading of the Gospel right now.

The more one gives one's self in creative union with another, the more one becomes one's self.

We do not think ourselves into new ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking.

Worship of Jesus is rather harmless and risk-free; actually following Jesus changes everything.

Religions should be understood as only the fingers that point to the moon, not the moon itself.

Jesus is never upset at sinners; he is only upset with people who do not think they are sinners.

Being informed is different from being formed, and the first is a common substitute for the second.

You create your response to reality, and that response, for all practical purposes, is your reality.

We are usually on bended knee before laws or angrily reacting against them, both immature responses.

The great and merciful surprise is that we come to God, not by doing it right, but by doing it wrong.

You come to God not by being strong, but by being weak; not by being right, but through your mistakes.

Metaphor is the only possible language available to religion because it alone is honest about Mystery.

In terms of soul work, we dare not get rid of the pain before we have learned what it has to teach us.

Our job as humans is to make admiration of others and adoration of God fully conscious and deliberate.

What we know about God is important, but what we do with what we know about God is even more important.

The most common one-liner in the Bible is, "Do not be afraid." Someone counted, and it occurs 365 times.

Men must learn how to grieve, or they are inevitably angry or controlling, and they don't even know why.

Solitude is a courageous encounter with our naked, most raw and real self, in the presence of pure love.

People who know how to creatively break the rules also know why the rules were there in the first place.

In my opinion, most organized religion does neither agentic service nor relational nurturance very well.

If you depend on being emotionally inspired or newly motivated, you will need a new fix almost every day.

The Gospel is not a fire insurance policy for the next world, but a life assurance policy for this world.

Silence is the necessary space around things that allows them to develop and flourish without my pushing.

The morning glories and the sunflowers turn naturally toward the light, but we have to be taught, it seems.

It is at the bottom where we find grace; for like water, grace seeks the lowest place and there it pools up.

Life is not a matter of creating a special name for ourselves, but of uncovering the name we have always had.

God seems to be about turning our loves around and using them toward the great love that is their true object.

I believe in mystery and multiplicity. To religious believers this may sound almost pagan. But I don't think so.

God is always bigger than the boxes we build for God, so we should not waste too much time protecting the boxes.

Jesus did not come to change the mind of God about humanity; Jesus came to change the mind of humanity about God

When we can see the image of God where we don't want to see the image of God, then we see with eyes not our own.

Creation is a process that is still happening and we’re in on it! We are a part of this endless creativity of God.

Change is not what we expect from religious people. They tend to love the past more than the present or the future.

When we fail we are merely joining the great parade of humanity that has walked ahead of us and will follow after us.

Once God and grace move us to the second half of life, religion becomes a mystical matter, rather than a moral matter.

Whole people see and create wholeness wherever they go; split people see and create splits in everything and everybody.

God is always drawing us closer, blow by blow and bit by bit. And most of the time we do not even know it is happening.

When you get your,'Who am I?', question right, all of your,'What should I do?' questions tend to take care of themselves

The gift of darkness draws you to know God’s presence beyond what thought, imagination, or sensory feeling can comprehend.

I think your heart needs to be broken, and broken open, at least once to have a heart at all or to have a heart for others.

One wonders how far spiritual and political leaders can genuinely lead us without some degree of mystical seeing and action.

Denial of our pattern of failure seems to be a kind of practical atheism or chosen ignorance among many believers and clergy.

I decided years ago that if I'm going to keep teaching contemplation, then the last years of my life should be contemplative.

The movement toward gratitude, authenticity, and union is the natural and organic inner work of the second half of our lives.

Jesus praised faith and trust – even more than love. It takes a foundational trust to fall, or to fail, and not to fall apart.

Faith does not need to push the river because faith is able to trust that there is a river. The river is flowing. We are in it.

It’s the freedom of the children of God. Such people can connect with everybody. They don’t feel the need to eliminate anybody.

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