I am dying soon, and I am choosing to have fun today, tomorrow and every other day I have left.

I'm attempting to put myself in a bottle that will one day wash up on the beach for my children.

Walls aren't put in our life to stop us, they are there to test how much we really want somthing.

If she doesn't really love you, then it's over. And if she does love you, then love will win out.

I always thought every day was a gift, but now I am looking for where to send the thank you note.

I feel like I'm waiting on something that isn't going to happen Don't complain; just work harder.

If you can find your footing between two cultures, sometimes you can have the best of both worlds.

Everyone has to contribute to the common good. To not do so can be described in one word: selfish.

When you're screwing up and nobody says anything to you anymore, that means they've given up on you.

Engineering isn't about perfect solutions; it's about doing the best you can with limited resources.

Never lose the childlike wonder. Show gratitude... Don't complain; just work harder... Never give up.

Being successful doesn't make you manage your time well. Managing your time well makes you successful!

Make clear that people understand what your circumstances are. And looking for pity - that's a mistake.

Follow your passions, believe in karma, and you won't have to chase your dreams, they will come to you.

He had high hopes for society, and though his hopes were too often dashed, he remained a raging optimist.

People lie for lots of reasons, often because it seems like a way to get what they want with less effort.

I'll take an earnest person over a hip person every day, because hip is short-term, earnest is long term.

Cancer didn't change me at all. I know lots of people talk about the life revelation. I didn't have that.

I will take an earnest person over a hip person every day, because hip is short-term, earnest is long-term.

I'm a professor. I know that people in research labs can do miraculous things if they're given the resources.

A coach yells at the kid he thinks can improve but the coach will not yell at the kid who he/she knows won't.

somehow, with the passage of time, and the dealines that life imposes, surrending became the right thing to do

No job should, be beneath us. And if you can't(or won't) sort mail, Where is the proof that you can do anything?

Earnestness is highly underestimated. It comes from the core, while hip is trying to impress you on the surface.

The key question to keep asking is, Are you spending your time on the right things? Because time is all you have.

A lot of people want a shortcut. I find the best shortcut is the long way, which is basically two words: work hard.

One thing that makes it possible to be an optimist is if you have a contingency plan for when all hell breaks loose.

My mother took great relish in introducing me as 'This is my son - he's a doctor but not the kind that helps people.'

The brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They are there to stop the other people!

Success is measured in months for me. When my health fails, it will fail quickly. Tumors grow on an exponential curve.

Pretty much any time I got a chance to do something cool, I tried to grab for it, and that's where my solace comes from.

You will need to find your passion. Don't give up on finding it because then all you're doing is waiting for the Reaper.

There's a limit to how many times you can read how great you are and what an inspiration you are, but I'm not there yet.

I don't know how to not have fun. I'm dying and I'm having fun, and I'm going to keep having fun every day I've got left.

Proper apologies have three parts: 1) What I did was wrong. 2) I feel badly that I hurt you. 3) How do I make this better?

If you’re going to have childhood dreams you should have great parents who let you pursue them and express your creativity

Be good at something. It makes you valuable. Have something to bring to the table, because that will make you more welcome.

Anybody out there who is a parent, if your kids want to paint their bedrooms,as a favor to me, let them do it. It'll be OK.

When you're frustrated with people, when they've made you angry, it just may be because you haven't given them enough time.

It's very important to know when you're in a pissing match. And it's very important to get out of it as quickly as possible.

Anything is possible, and that’s something we should not lose sight of. The inspiration and the permission to dream is huge.

Do not tell people how to live their lives. Just tell them stories and they will figure out how those stories apply to them.

If nobody ever worried about what was in other people's heads, we’d all be 33 percent more effective in our lives and our jobs.

If I could only give three words of advice, they would be, 'Tell the truth.' If I got three more words, I'd add: 'All the time.'

One key factor in the downward spiral in our educational system is that there is too much stroking and too little real feedback.

If I was able to tell my story with the passion I felt, my lecture might help others find a path to fulfilling their own dreams.

If I could only give three words of advice, they would be, 'Tell the truth.' If I got three more words, I'd add, 'All the time.'

Smelling a crayon takes you right back to childhood. When I need to go back in time, I put it under my nose and take another hit.

Are you a fun-loving Tigger or a sad-sack Eeyore? Pick a camp. I think it's clear where I stand on the great Tigger/Eeyore debate!

No matter how bad things are, you can always make things worse. At the same time, it is often within your power to make them better

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