The influence of fine scenery, the presence of mountains, appeases our irritations and elevates our friendships.

'Well,' said Red Jacket [to someone complaining that he had not enough time], 'I suppose you have all there is.'

I do then with my friends as I do with my books. I would have them where I can find them, but I seldom use them.

Old and new make the warp and woof of every moment. There is no thread that is not a twist of these two strands.

If it costs ten years, and ten to recover the general prosperity, the destruction of the South is worth so much.

Who makes and keeps the Jew or the Negro base, who but you, who exclude them from the rights which others enjoy?

For no man can write anything who does not think that what he writes is, for the time, the history of the world.

One man's justice is another's injustice; one man's beauty another's ugliness; one man's wisdom anpther's folly.

The whole value of history, of biography, is to increase my self-trust, by demonstrating what man can be and do.

The peace of the man who has forsworn the use of the bullet seems to me not quite peace, but a canting impotence.

A man is a method, a progressive arrangement; a selecting principle, gathering his like to him; wherever he goes.

When I first open my eyes upon the morning meadows and look out upon the beautiful world, I thank God I am alive.

Performing on a stool, we've got a sight to make you drool, seven virgins and a mule, keep it cool, keep it cool.

Each philosopher, each bard, each actor has only done for me, as by a delegate, what one day I can do for myself.

We must be courteous to a man as we are to a picture, which we are willing to give the advantage of a good light.

America is a poem in our eyes; its ample geography dazzles the imagination, and it will not wait long for metres.

The "times," "the age" what is that, but a few profound persons and a few active persons who epitomize the times?

Every violation of truth is not only a sort of suicide in the liar, but is a stab at the health of human society.

Eloquence is the power to translate a truth into language perfectly intelligible to the person to whom you speak.

Every known fact in natural science was divined by the presentiment of somebody, before it was actually verified.

Everything is beautiful seen from the point of the intellect, or as truth. But all is sour if seen as experience.

Every sentence spoken by Napoleon, and every line of his writing, deserves reading, as it is the sense of France.

It is said that the world is in a state of bankruptcy, that the world owes the world more than the world can pay.

The martyr cannot be dishonored. Every lash inflicted is a tongue of fame; every prison a more illustrious abode.

The first questions are always to be asked, and the wisest doctor is gravelled by the inquisitiveness of a child.

Go forth into the busy world and love it. Interest yourself in its life, mingle kindly with its joys and sorrows.

Women see better than men. Men see lazily, if they do not expect to act. Women see quite without any wish to act.

There is no one who does not exaggerate. In conversation, men are encumbered with personality, and talk too much.

Our age is retrospective. It builds the sepulchres of the fathers. It writes biographies, histories and criticism.

Money is the representative of a certain quantity of corn or other commodity. It is so much warmth, so much bread.

No man has a right perception of any truth, who has not been reacted on by it, so as to be ready to be its martyr.

You must treat the days respectfully, you must be a day yourself, and not interrogate it like a college professor.

But genius looks forward: the eyes of men are set in his forehead, not in his hindhead: man hopes: genius creates.

But I shall hear without pain, that I play the courtier very ill, and talk of that which I do not well understand.

A ruddy drop of manly blood The surging sea outweighs; The world uncertain comes and goes, The lover rooted stays.

There is always a certain meanness in the argument of conservatism, joined with a certain superiority in its fact.

Things are pretty, graceful, rich, elegant, handsome, but, until they speak to the imagination, not yet beautiful.

Tis the privilege of Art Thus to play its cheerful part, Man on earth to acclimate And bend the exile to his fate.

A man of genius is privileged only as far as he is genius. His dullness is as insupportable as any other dullness.

There is one other reason for dressing well, namely that dogs respect it, and will not attack you in good clothes.

A farm is a good thing, when it begins and ends with itself, and does not need a salary, or a shop, to eke it out.

The April winds are magical, And thrill our tuneful frames; The garden-walks are passional To bachelors and dames.

Art and power will go on as they have done,--will make day out of night, time out of space, and space out of time.

He is a dull observer whose experience has not taught him the reality and force of magic, as well as of chemistry.

He then learns that in going down into the secrets of his own mind, he has descended into the secrets of all minds.

Those who cannot tell what they desire or expect, still sigh and struggle with indefinite thoughts and vast wishes.

The new statement is always hated by the old, and, to those dwelling in the old, comes like an abyss of skepticism.

Two may talk and one may hear, but three cannot take part in a conversation of the most sincere and searching sort.

Our prejudices are our robbers, they rob us valuable things in life. People only see what they are prepared to see.

An eminent teacher of girls said, "the idea of a girl's education, is, whatever qualifies them for going to Europe.

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