For the most part, only the light characters travel. Who are you that have no task to keep you at home?

The babe in arms is a channel through which the energies we call fate, love, and reason visibly stream.

For it is only the finite that has wrought and suffered; the infinite lies stretched in smiling repose.

Knowledge is the antidote to fear. [especially as fear often stands for false evidence appearing real!]

What is indispensable to inspiration? ...sound sleep and the provocation of a good book or a companion.

I wish that life should not be cheap, but sacred. I wish the days to be as centuries, loaded, fragrant.

Books are the best of things, well used; abused, among the worst...They are for nothing but to inspire.

He, who loves the bristle of bayonets, only sees in their glitter what beforehand he feels in his hand.

I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.

I know and see too well, when not voluntarily blind, the speedy limits opersons called high and worthy.

Nature arms each man with some faculty which enables him to do easily some feat impossible to any other.

What is the imagination? Only an arm or weapon of the interior energy; only the precursor of the reason.

What you persist in doing gets easier. The task hasn't changed, but your ability to do it has increased.

Virtue runs before the muse, and defies her skill; she is rapt and doth refuse to wait a painter's will.

I read the other day some verses written by an eminent painter which were original and not conventional.

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons.

Lovers should guard their strangeness. If they forgive too much, all slides into confusion and meanness.

Tis a short sight to limit our faith in laws to those of gravity, of chemistry, of botany, and so forth.

In the hands of the discoverer, medicine becomes a heroic art . . wherever life is dear he is a demigod.

The compensations of calamity are made apparent to the understanding also, after long intervals of time.

Ideas must work through the brains and the arms of good and brave men or they are no better than dreams.

Commerce is of trivial import; love, faith, truth of character, the aspiration of man, these are sacred.

Death comes to all, but great achievements build a monument which shall endure until the sun grows cold.

In the uttermost meaning of the words, thought is devout, and devotion is thought. Deep calls unto deep.

I do not wish to remove from my present prison to a prison a little larger. I wish to break all prisons.

I will not live out of me I will not see with others' eyes My good is good, my evil ill I would be free.

If a man will kick a fact out of the window, when he comes back he finds it again in the chimney corner.

It is God in you that responds to God without, or affirms his own words trembling on the lips of another.

Light is the first of painters. There is no object so foul that intense light will not make it beautiful.

When the eyes say one thing, and the tongue another, a practiced man relies on the language of the first.

There are other measures of self-respect for a man, than the number of clean shirts he puts on every day.

Defect in manners is usually the defect of fine perceptions. Elegance comes of no breeding, but of birth.

We seek our friend not sacredly, but with an adulterate passion which would appropriate him to ourselves.

There is one mind common to all individual men. Every man is an inlet to the same and to all of the same.

I believe that our own experience instructs us that the secret of Education lies in respecting the pupil.

There can be no high civility without a deep morality, though it may not always call itself by that name.

There are no fixtures in nature. The universe is fluid and volatile. Permanence is but a word of degrees.

Nature and literature are subjective phenomena; every evil and every good thing is a shadow which we cast

The most active lives have so much routine as to preclude progress almost equally with the most inactive.

The experience of each new age requires a new confession, and the world seems always waiting for its poet

When a man lives with God, his voice shall be as sweet as the murmur of the brook and rustle of the corn.

Truth has not single victories; all things are its organs,--not only dust and stones, but errors and lies.

A man is a hero, not because he is braver than anyone else, but because he is brave for 10 minutes longer.

Virtue alone is sweet society, It keeps the key to all heroic hearts, And opens you a welcome in them all.

The sower may mistake and sow his peas crookedly; the peas make no mistake, but come up and show his line.

Truth is handsomer than the affectation of love. Your goodness must have some edge to it, else it is none.

Give a boy address and accomplishments and you give him the mastery of palaces and fortunes where he goes.

Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might.

After thirty, a man wakes up sad every morning, excepting perhaps five or six, until the day of his death.

You may regret calamities if you can thereby help the sufferer, but if you cannot, mind your own business.

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