The reason why all men honor love is because it looks up, and not down; aspires and not despairs.

The rain has spoiled the farmer's day; Shall sorrow put my books away? Thereby are two days lost.

The Gothic cathedral is a blossoming in stone subdued by the insatiable demand of harmony in man.

There is health in table talk and nursery play. We must wear old shoes and have aunts and cousins.

The picture waits for my verdict; it is not to command me, but I am to settle its claim to praise.

Being perfectly well-dressed gives a feeling of tranquillity that religion is powerless to bestow.

When at last in a race a new principle appears, an idea--that conserves it; ideas only save races.

Yet time and space are but inverse measures of the force of the soul. The spirit sports with time.

The only gift is a portion of thyself . . . the poet brings his poem; the shepherd his lamb. . . .

Always maintain your common sense and artful skills, and funnel it all into plain enough dealings.

Some will always be above others. Destroy the inequality today, and it will appear again tomorrow.

Poverty, Frost, Famine, Rain, Disease, are the beadles and guardsmen that hold us to Common Sense.

We are the children of many sires, and every drop of blood in us in its turn betrays its ancestor.

Those who have ruled human destinies, like planets, for thousands of years, were not handsome men.

I am constrained every moment to acknowledge a higher origin for events than the will I call mine.

Nothing in nature is exhausted in its first use...In God, every end is converted into a new means.

We find delight in the beauty and happiness of children that makes the heart too big for the body.

Generalization is always a new influx of divinity into the mind. Hence the thrill that attends it.

There is, in all great poets, a wisdom of humanity which is superior to any talents they exercise.

There is a good ear, in some men, that draws supplies to virtue out of very indifferent nutriment.

The first farmer was the first man, and all historic nobility rests on possession and use of land.

The proof of a high education is the ability to speak about complex matters as simply as possible.

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.

What is life but the angle of vision? A man is measured by the angle at which he looks at objects.

We sometimes meet an original gentleman, who, if manners had not existed, would have invented them.

Society is frivolous, and shreds its day into scraps, its conversation into ceremonies and escapes.

Friends are like spaghetti, they should stick together. The only way to have a friend is to be one.

Truth is always present; it only needs to lift the iron lids of the mind's eye to read its oracles.

I wish to write such rhymes as shall not suggest a restraint, but contrariwise the wildest freedom.

Human beings cannot endure the geological chaos they encounter under the soil of their own gardens.

Men such as they are, very naturally seek money or power; and power because it is as good as money.

The great man, that is, the man most imbued with the spirit of the time, is the impressionable man.

Happy the man who never puts on a face, but receives every visitor with that countenance he has on.

The resources of the scholar are proportioned to his confidence in the attributes of the intellect.

All that Adam had, all that Caesar could, you have and can do.... Build, therefore, your own world.

The objection to conforming to usages that have become dead to you is, that it scatters your force.

The basis of good manners is self-reliance. Necessity is the law of all who are not self-possessed.

Things admit of being used as symbols, because nature is a symbol, in the whole, and in every part.

Nothing can be colder than his head, when the lightnings of his imagination are playing in the sky.

Thought dissolves the material universe by carrying the mind up into a sphere where all is plastic.

The pleasure of life is according to the man that lives it, and not according to the work or place.

The word liberty in the mouth of Mr. Webster sounds like the word love in the mouth of a courtesan.

What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.

Knowledge is when you learn something new every day. Wisdom is when you let something go every day.

Cities force growth and make people talkative and entertaining, but they also make them artificial.

We are not free to use today, or to promise tomorrow, because we are already mortgaged to yesterday.

No matter how much faculty of idle seeing a man has, the step from knowing to doing is rarely taken.

Of course, he who has put forth his total strength in fit actions, has the richest return of wisdom.

Divine persons are character born, or, to borrow a phrase from Napoleon, they are victory organized.

Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles.

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