Love is the essence of God.

Fear is a great instructor.

Do what you're afraid to do.

Today is a king in disguise.

Fate is unpenetrated causes.

Shallow men believe in luck.

Society has no bribe for me.

Literature is eavesdropping.

Children are all foreigners.

Man is the dwarf of himself.

Every advantage has its tax.

Frankness invites frankness.

Life too near paralyses art.

Beauty rests on necessities.

Revolutions go not backward.

The earth laughs in flowers.

Be a gift and a benediction.

All the world loves a lover.

Only poetry inspires poetry.

New York is a sucked orange.

The eye is easily frightened.

We boil at different degrees.

Be silly. Be honest. Be kind.

Genius appeals to the future.

Live, let live, and help live

Cunning is strength withheld.

True wit never made us laugh.

Youth is everywhere in place.

I like people who like Plato.

Truth is the summit of being.

Let us leave hurry to slaves.

Life is a search after power.

Power educates the potentate.

Each mind has its own method.

We never touch but at points.

A day is a miniature eternity.

Excellence is the new forever.

In imitation is a bit suicide.

A forte always makes a foible.

We are the prisoners of ideas.

All the devils respect virtue.

I am a part and parcel of God.

Thought is the seed of action.

Life is a series of surprises.

Our distrust is very expensive.

It is defeat which educates us.

Build therefore your own world.

You cannot make a cheap palace.

Traveling is a fool's paradise.

Nature tells every secret once.

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