Nature is the incarnation of thought. The world is the mind precipitated.

In failing circumstances no one can be relied on to keep their integrity.

There is ever a slight suspicion of the burlesque about earnest good men.

Now every one must do after his kind, be he asp or angel, and these must.

True friends are two people who are comfortable sharing silence together.

There is no good theory of disease which does not at once suggest a cure.

Good thoughts are no better than good dreams if you don't follow through.

The religions of the world are the ejaculations of a few imaginative men.

The multitude of the sick shall not make us deny the existence of health.

Our knowledge is the amassed thought and experience of innumerable minds.

Sympathy is a supporting atmosphere, and in it we unfold easily and well.

I am ashamed to see what a shallow village tale our so-called history is.

We are imprisoned in life in the company of persons powerfully unlike us.

Do not craze yourself with thinking, but go about your business anywhere.

Delicious is a just and firm encounter of two in a thought, in a feeling.

There is simply the rose; it is perfect in every moment of its existence.

There are two laws discreteNot reconciled,Law for man, and law for thing.

The religion that is afraid of science dishonors God and commits suicide.

The path of things is silent. Will they suffer a speaker to go with them?

What we love that we have, but by desire we bereave ourselves of the love.

Truth is too simple for us: we do not like those who unmask our illusions.

A true man belongs to no other time or place, but is the center of things.

We judge others by their actions but we judge ourselves by our intensions.

Don't set out to teach theism from your natural history... You spoil both.

The soul refuses limits and always affirms an optimism, never a pessimism.

Who hears me, who understands me, becomes mine, a possession for all time.

Great conversation ... requires an absolute running of two souls into one.

If a man sits down to think, he is immediately asked if he has a headache.

Every day, a little sadder, a little madder. Will someone get me a ladder?

An actually existing fly is more important than a possibly existing angel.

Men who know the same things are not long the best company for each other.

The world is plentiful with honey, but only the humble bee can collect it.

Any extraordinary degree of beauty in man or woman involves a moral charm.

A rush of thoughts is the only conceivable prosperity that can come to us.

Character is an invincible force, which acts by presence and without means

Hospitality consists in a little fire, a little food, and an immense quiet

God builds his temple in the heart on the ruins of churches and religions.

As long as a man stands in his own way, everything seems to be in his way.

The torments of martyrdom are probably most keenly felt by the bystanders.

Let every man shovel out his own snow and the whole city will be passable.

Truth is the summit of being; justice is the application of it to affairs.

We are ashamed of our thoughts and often see them brought forth by others.

A scholar does not wish to be always pumping his brains; he wants gossips.

A Frenchman may possibly be clean; an Englishman is conscientiously clean.

Give me insight into today and you may have the antique and future worlds.

An artist spends himself like the crayon in his hand, till he is all gone.

Give me health and a day, and I will make the pomp of emperors ridiculous.

And what greater calamity can fall upon a nation than the loss of worship.

No member of a crew is praised for the rugged individuality of his rowing.

An original sentence, a step forward, is worth more than all the censures.

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