Our relations to each other are oblique and casual.

No great man ever complains of want of opportunity.

The mind will quote whether the tongue does or not.

The wave of evil washes all our institutions alike.

The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.

A friend may be nature's most magnificent creation.

Science, Nature,-O, I've yearned to open some page.

A cheerful, intelligent face is the end of culture.

Every man contemplates an angel in his future self.

Government has been a fossil: it should be a plant.

The great majority of men are bundles of beginnings

I can find my biography in every fable that I read.

Coffee is good for talent, but genius wants prayer.

God enters by a private door into every individual.

When we quarrel, how we wish we had been blameless.

There is a tendency for things to right themselves.

It is a tie between men to have read the same book.

Ah, if the rich were rich as the poor fancy riches.

The ancients called beauty the flowering of virtue.

There is more in every person's soul than we think.

Courage of the soldier awakes the courage of woman.

The best picture makes us say, I am a painter also.

The rhyme of the poet Modulates the king's affairs.

Happy is the hearing man; unhappy the speaking man.

All great successes are the triumph of persistence.

Life wastes itself whilst we are preparing to live.

The virtues of society are the vices of the saints.

An institution is the lengthened shadow of one man.

He that loveth maketh his own the grandeur he loves

A great mind is a good sailor, as a great heart is.

Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies.

If you tax too high, the revenue will yield nothing.

I would study, I would know, I would admire forever.

Deal in our privacy with the last honesty and truth.

Every man is a channel through which heaven floweth.

What you set your heart upon, surely shall be yours.

The soul is the perceiver and the revealer of truth.

In skating over thin ice our safety is in our speed.

The world is his who can see through its pretension.

We can only be valued as we make ourselves valuable.

A man in pursuit of greatness feels no little wants.

A man's action is only a poicture book of his creed.

In nature nothing can be given. All things are sold.

Every man in his lifetime needs to thank his faults.

A cynic can chill and dishearten with a single word.

Do that which you fear to do, and the fear will die.

Life is short but there is always time for courtesy.

I cannot forgive a scholar his homeless despondency.

How much finer things are in composition than alone.

A beautiful soul always dwells in a beautiful world.

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