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I believe in a woman's right to choose, because, well, no one ever seems to tell guys what to do with their bodies.
My favorite part of any award show is meeting all the fans, and the KCA's are the one event I look forward to all year.
I like mixing high-end finds with less expensive items. I've been known to pair an outfit from Forever 21 with Chanel shoes.
I think that what makes you cool at the end of the day is letting go, not being superficial or uptight, and being different.
A lot of kids tell me that 'Jessie' is their favorite show, and they would have been so sad if it didn't live on in 'Bunk'd.'
I'm really glad we have Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer and all these girls who are embracing all the different body types.
I'll do BB cream or a moisturizing foundation from Laura Mercier. I like golds or coppers on my eyes and a little highlight on my cheeks.
That was my dream to be on a Disney show. So it was weird to suddenly getting stopped by kids my own age and getting recognized by people.
I'm kind of down for anything, as long as it's an amazing script that speaks to me, so I'm just constantly reading and constantly looking.
Things you learn through the arts are used every day in life. It's a great way to express yourself and get out anxieties throughout the day.
My friends are more than an 'accept' button on Facebook, and over the , I've learned the only way to have a best friend is to actually be one.
When I'm in L.A., I have salads, sandwiches, and soups all the time. Eating in New York, I feel like I have to have pizza and bagels while I'm here!
I'm fully aware of how lucky I am to do the work I do. I work really, really hard, and there are a lot of privileges and perks that come with the job.
My school has a bunch of actors and professional kids, like Chloe Grace Moretz, Odeya Rush, and Olympic gymnasts. Basically, anyone who has a job as a kid.
I don't want to be boring, and I never want people to think it's a snoozefest. I want to find the middle point between looking classic and also trying something new.
In Los Angeles, I feel like I'm wasting time while I'm driving, so now I listen to NPR and the 'Serial' podcast. I'm like, 'Yay! I can learn something while driving.'
I compost at home. I'm always taking old banana peels, eggshells, coffee beans, or whatever it is, and putting them in a compost bin and then using it in my backyard.
There are amazing acne treatments and creams out there, but sometimes we're just hormonal, and there is nothing we can do about our 'friends' showing up out of nowhere.
Pamela Eells has been the most amazing leader. She's such a nurturing person, and that is what makes a woman such a great leader: she's nurturing but also gets stuff done.
Vlogging is something that's pretty entertaining. But like with a lot of social media, I just feel it's so easy to stop living your life, even though you're creating all these moments.
If you want to edit your photos and make yourself look different, go for it. That is up to you, but in my opinion, you should always post things that you think do a good job at representing who you are.
It's not fair that kids feel like they have to be naturally gifted at math and science, but with , it's often pushed to the side. It doesn't make any sense to me why it shouldn't be a big part of kids' lives.
I go to schools in L.A., and I teach lessons. I run with the girls and teach them things about bullying and gossip. For instance, we'd play things like telephone, where you can actually see how words get twisted.
I feel like it's really important to support people who are coming up and really talented, who need someone to show people that they're cool and talented and doing something different. And I can help do that. It's cool.
I feel like New Yorkers get stereotyped as , but I feel like they are the most friendly. I feel like you get to know people in a day, where in L.A., I am isolated in my car because I never get to talk to people as much.
Sometimes, when I'm on the red carpet or something, and there was a lot of flashes, my eyes, like, start watering. I'm like, 'Oh.' You have to hide it, so I just keep going, and then I'm like, 'Oh gosh, it hurts so bad.'
I think, so far, 'Jessie' has to be the show I've loved working on most. Coming in at age 12, I was so excited to work on Disney, since it had been my dream as a kid. I also feel like there was such a bond with that cast.
I knew I was born with a heart murmur. Doctors have always monitored it, and it's never caused any problems. Still, it's on my mind a bit more now. Especially now that I know that heart disease is a woman's disease and not just what Grandpa suffers from.
We can all agree that social media is an amazing platform where we can interact with and meet people and that we probably would have never had the chance to otherwise, right? However, it also has sadly become a place where some people go to share negative thoughts and comments.
When I was younger, my dad would cook, and I would never really have it, unless it was something like spaghetti. I would only like what my mom made - macaroni and cheese or something like that. But after I reached a certain age, I think it was 11, I realized I liked his cooking.
Every once in a while, friends leave sarcastic comments on photos. I know they're joking, but the sarcastic humor doesn't always translate well when I am sitting behind my screen reading it. In person, it's easier to play it off as a joke, but online, it can come across as offensive.
Girls on the Run is an organization that believes every girl can embrace who she is. It's all about girl empowerment. I've volunteered for different things before, but I didn't get to work hands-on. I thought this program sounded wonderful because I could go in and work with girls face-to-face.
It takes me so long to take care of my skin at night! My friends will call me, and I'll be like, 'I'm washing my face.' They'll ask me 30 minutes later what I'm doing and I'm like, 'I'm still washing my face!' I use makeup wipes every night - I always like to try different ones, but I really like Aveeno's.
I remember I was, like, 6 years old when I found out that I was having a little brother, and I was wishing and wishing for a sister. When my mom came out and my dad, and they're like, 'It's a boy,' Spencer, my twin brother, is cheering and jumping up and down, and then I burst into tears. I was so sad. I was crying.