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Politics is not about power.
We can remake the world daily.
Without trying, I'm different.
I'm short, I'm Jewish and I'm a liberal
We all do better, when we all do better.
I'm short, I'm Jewish and I'm a liberal.
Sometimes, the only realists are the dreamers
Sometimes, the only realists are the dreamers.
Politics is not about winning for the sake of winning.
I represent the Democratic wing of the Democratic party.
Never separate the life you live from the words you speak.
The only way to change is to vote. People are responsible.
The future belongs to those who are passionate and work hard.
We're not going to have real security until we invest in our children.
Let there be no distance between the words you say and the life you live.
Politics is not left, right or center ... It's about improving people's lives.
The best kind of politics is when you help people become their own best selves.
We can and must move U.S. politics forward by means of committed participation.
Our aims in political activism are not, and should not be, to create a perfect utopia.
Politics isn't about big money or power games; it's about the improvement of people's lives.
Successful organizing is not built on self-interest but rather on dignity and a sense of purpose.
We must regain our vision and hope and move our country forward on an agenda of peace and justice.
There are forces within the Democratic Party who want us to sound like kinder, gentler Republicans.
Education and democracy have the same goal: the fullest possible development of human capabilities.
I think the future also will not belong to those who are cynical or those who stand on the sidelines
I think the future also will not belong to those who are cynical or those who stand on the sidelines.
The people of this country, not special interest big money, should be the source of all political power.
The future will belong to those who have passion and are willing to work hard to make our country better
I do believe that there's going to be a pretty strong consensus for a very strong .. censure resolution.
The future will belong to those who have passion and are willing to work hard to make our country better.
The idea of democracy has been stripped of it moral imperatives and come to denote hollowness and hypocrisy.
Successful organizing is based on the recognition that people get organized because they, too, have a vision.
There is a major ingredient missing from our perception of how changes are brought about; that ingredient is power.
I don't think politics has anything to do with left, right, or center. It has to do with trying to do right by people.
If a teacher does not involve himself, his values, his commitments, in the course of discussion, why should the students?
We must renew democracy itself. We have to fight cynicism and inertia and restore faith in the advancement of our country.
If we don't fight hard enough for the things we stand for, at some point we have to recognize that we don't really stand for them.
Above and beyond the question of how to grow the economy there is a legitimate concern about how to grow the quality of our lives.
Our politics are our deepest form of expression: they mirror our past experiences and reflect our dreams and aspirations for the future.
What makes community organizing especially attractive is the faith it places in the ability of the poor to make decisions for themselves.
Why don't we call on the credit card companies to be accountable? They need to be held accountable for their predatory lending practices.
The American polity is infected with a serious imbalance of power between elites and masses, a power which is the principal threat to our democracy.
I was talking about no nukes, the farm crisis. People said that wasn't stuff that a state auditor was supposed to be talking about. Maybe they were right.
The Democratic Party has lost much of it credibility with working class and low-income people. It retards progress toward presenting a genuine alternative.
The first task in teaching is to bring to consciousness what the students already believe by virtue of their personal experiences about themselves and society.
There are three critical ingredients to democratic renewal and progressive change in America: good public policy, grassroots organizing and electoral politics.
Politics is not about power. Politics is not about money. Politics is not about winning for the sake of winning. Politics is about the improvement of people's lives.
What the poor, the weak, and the inarticulate desperately require is power, organization, and a sense of identity and purpose, not rarefied advice of political scientists.
The future will not belong to those who sit on the sidelines. The future will not belong to the cynics. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
As free citizens in a political democracy, we have a responsibility to be interested and involved in the affairs of the human community, be it at the local or the global level.