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Clearly America is exceptional in its immorality, lack of human compassion, and disrespect for law and its founding document.
In U.S. politics, 'compassion' means giving money and privileges to well organized interest groups at everyone else's expense.
On one hand, our food is polluted with herbicides and on the other hand by antibiotics. And then we have hormones and pesticides.
The office of U.S. Trade Representative was created in order to permit corporations to write law that serves only their interests.
I have argued that the Soviet story is one of the interaction of speculative excess or utopian aspirations with refractory reality.
The human capital of most macroeconomists, heavily invested in demand management, was wiped out by the policy failures of the 1970s.
Consistency may be the hobgoblin of little minds, but law, morality and leadership demand it. Without consistency, there is privilege.
If our language and culture are not passed on to immigrants, where will they learn to value integrity in government and the rule of law?
By offshoring the production of their products, U.S. corporations transferred technology, physical plant, and business knowhow to China.
In 2004, I predicted in a nationally televised conference in Washington, D.C., that the U.S. would be a Third World country in 20 years.
I did not think the Oligarchy would allow Trump to win. However, it seems that the oligarchs were deceived by their own media propaganda.
Marxism is the only doctrine that both satisfies the demands for progress and provides a safe outlet for moral expression in a skeptical age.
When I was a young man, an individual with one million dollars was very rich. Anyone with a few millions more was considered richer than rich.
God made a mistake when he gave to humans, infected as they are with evil, jurisdiction over Earth. He should have given jurisdiction to animals.
There are no free financial markets in America or, for that matter, anywhere in the Western word, and few, if any, free markets of any other kind.
Unequal group rights, the politics of redistribution and a Constitution whose meaning varies with changeable coalitions are a recipe for civil war.
The offshoring of American jobs by global corporations and the deregulation of the U.S. financial system have resulted in American economic failure.
The very concept of law that protects us from tyranny has been lost. No longer the people's shield, law has become a weapon in the hands of government.
The government, of course, will print money to bail out the banks' uncovered casino bets, but not to bail out the elderly from the theft of their funds.
A country whose population has been trained to accept the government's word and to shun those who question it is a country without liberty in its future.
Globalism is a scheme for impoverishing First World labor and taking power and influence from the hands of the many and putting them in the hands of the few.
Governments unaccountable to law are tyrannies, whatever they might call themselves, no matter how exceptional and indispensable they declare themselves to be.
A true patriot does not confuse government with country. A patriot's loyalty is to his country, and loyalty to country requires holding government accountable.
Peace is costly to the profits of the military/security complex. Washington's gigantic military and security interests are far more powerful than the peace lobby.
As the dollar's exchange value declines, so will the value of dollar-denominated financial instruments, regardless of how many bonds the Federal Reserve purchases.
Both political parties, Republicans and Democrats, are dependent on the same private interest groups for campaign funds, so both parties dance to the same masters.
Capitalists make money by exploiting labor and by externalizing the costs of the wastes produced by the productive process by imposing the wastes on the environment.
For reporting a scientific finding, I was called a 'conspiracy theorist.' Only in America is scientific analysis seen as conspiracy theory and government lies as truth.
Vice is Washington's signature. A fish rots from the head, and Washington has led our country into vice, greed, selfishness, and the mockery and destruction of human life.
Under Reagan's policies, inflation and nominal GNP growth shriveled much faster than predicted, throwing off government revenue estimates and resulting in budget deficits.
Paul Krugman, a professor at MIT and a consultant to the IMF, the World Bank, the United Nations, and the Trilateral Commission, is certainly a member of the establishment.
If the Obama regime gave a hoot about 'humanitarian crisis,' the Obama regime would not have orchestrated humanitarian crisis in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Yemen.
Tariffs protect ill-considered government policies, such as costly regulations and high taxes on labor and capital that make our goods uncompetitive in international markets.
Few, if any, corporations absorb the full cost of their operations. Corporations shove many of their costs onto the environment, the public sector, and distant third parties.
When I met with Chinese policymakers in 2006, I advised them that there was a limit to how long they could rely on the U.S. consumer market, as jobs offshoring was destroying it.
No one outside America any longer believes the US media or the US government... You can't believe a word the American media says. If they say anything correct, it's just an accident.
Terrorists can endanger some of us, but the war on terror endangers us all. How much more can the Constitution be diminished before it is completely replaced by arbitrary government power?
Western capitalism is a looting mechanism. It loots labor. It loots the environment, and with the transpacific and transatlantic 'partnerships,' it will loot the sovereign law of countries.
If it turns out that global warming and ocean acidification are consequences of capitalism's carbon-based energy system, the entire world could end up dead from the external costs of capitalism.
Marxism is a success because it fuses the two inconsistent strains in Western thought - moral skepticism and moral indignation - and makes them complements in the attack against existing society.
Because of the failure of the federal government to enforce federal law, we now have 'banks too big to fail,' unregulated Internet monopoly, and the evisceration of a dispersed and independent media.
I have come to the conclusion that capitalism is successful primarily because it can impose the majority of the costs associated with its economic activities on outside parties and on the environment.
The Federal Trade Commission is supposed to enforce U.S. anti-trust law. Instead, the federal agency routinely violates U.S. anti-trust law by permitting monopoly concentrations of business interests.
The way to attack the entitlements problem is to bring the jobs home. This could be done by taxing corporations according to the location, domestic or foreign, at which they add value to their product.
If we add state capitalism to the Bush administration's success in eroding both the US Constitution and the power of Congress, we may be witnessing the final death of accountable constitutional government.
The road to economic well-being is to reward productive economic activity and to provide a moderate and predictable growth of money to finance real economic growth without reigniting the fires of inflation.
The Soviet Union was a partial check on capitalist looting in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. However, with the Soviet collapse, capitalist looting intensified during the Clinton, Bush, and Obama regimes.
The financial markets are rigged by the big banks, the Federal Reserve, and the Treasury in the interests of the profits of the few big banks and the dollar's exchange value, which is the basis of U.S. power.
Offshoring manufacturing jobs left Americans with fewer high-value-added, well-paid jobs, and the U.S. middle class downsized. Ladders of upward mobility were taken down. Income and wealth distributions worsened.
Representing the people is not something 'our' representatives do. They are too busy representing a handful of private interest groups such as the financial sector, the military/security complex, and agribusiness.