I love film sets.

Actually, I want twins.

I love all the feelings of pregnancy.

Warhol wanted to put me in a film, but my mother wouldn't let me.

I've always wanted a big old house with a big yard and lots of kids.

You can't always find a hotel with a crib. That's my first priority.

Having a kid now, I impress on him all the time how dangerous drugs are.

How long can you gloss everything over and give people the idea that life is a sitcom?

Looking at Donna Jordan, 'top model' was not the first thing that popped into your mind.

I lift weights. I work out. I try to keep my body together - it's the only one I've got.

I am very happy. I have a wonderful marriage, children. This is everything I've always wanted.

Crawling around naked in front of a crew of people at the age of 53? Hello? That was scarier than anything.

Oh, listen, honey, I'm never gonna be photographed in a bikini again. That's all over. But I love being pregnant.

Once, I wanted to be a movie star. I just had to wait until I turned into an actor and then things started to work out.

I started hanging out with the Warhol crowd. I was very young, it seemed like an awful lot was going one and I was seeing a slice of life hadn't seen before.

I went on to being an Ivory Soap baby for television commercials, and for three years, I sat in a bathtub and said either, 'And it floats,' or 'Get some today.'

Giving a life is an extraordinary thing. Holding that little baby in your arms, having them totally dependent on you. You want them to be proud of you. So you re-examine everything.

I've had a couple of experiences. It can get scary. Especially when you're on TV and you're in someone's home every week and they feel like they know you. If you don't know them back, they don't understand. They've become detached. But most of the time, fans are great.

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