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I find it cooler when one guy is totally committed to one girl. I find that very hot; it's very attractive.
I will do everything that is required from me, but if people get bored of me, I can't control their emotions.
If there's any actor who is saying we are not insecure, they are lying, because this job is an emotional one.
I cannot keep myself to a particular diet. I eat what I want, when I want and try to keep it as healthy as I can.
There are things that I am doing apart from films to keep me normal. Otherwise, emotionally, it is very draining.
I think size zero is extreme. Even if I starve and stop eating, I don't think I would ever reach size zero in life.
I want to be in a relationship with a simple, honest, and an uncomplicated guy because that's the kind of person I am.
I am not an insecure person at heart, but I am also aware that I am not as good looking as an actress is expected to be.
If you aspire to be an actor, go ahead. But do have a backup plan because you can't predict your future in the industry.
I believe love is finding the person you're happiest with because he understands and accepts you the way you exactly are.
If you don't have patience in this profession, you almost always end up getting bent out of shape expecting quick results.
I think directors look at me because I am an energetic person with a strong personality and always like to make people laugh.
My dad is this typical orthodox, narrow-minded Punjabi man in front of whom you can't even utter the word called 'boyfriend.'
I've always liked H&M's exciting and affordable fashion - there is plenty of inspiration in store to create your personal style.
Pantene shampoo is a big saviour for me. I endorse something only if I believe in it, and I truly think this shampoo is wonderful.
Good films and good performances will help you go further in your career. You can't get too far by just choosing leading lady roles.
Actors are fighting at all time. The love you get is amazing. When you don't get it, it is the most excruciating career you can be in.
This 'bubbly' word, I am personally going to take it up as an agenda to ban it. Colas are bubbly. Champagne is bubbly. I am not bubbly!
In this industry, it's sad that a superficial thing like weight loss can actually define your career, but if that is the case, so be it.
If you want to release your own single, there cannot be a better launch than going to Los Angeles and collaborating with a renowned artist.
I know there are actors who won't kiss on screen, and I respect that, but I don't have any rules like that. I will stay true to the script.
We have our moments of emotional vulnerabilities as any other human being, and my greatest fear gnawing away at me is losing my loved ones.
Getting fitter is just like getting a new haircut. It changes the way you look and also changes your outlook towards a lot of things in life.
It's an honour for me to work with Rohit Shetty. He is the biggest commercial director of the country, making the biggest franchise, 'Golmaal.'
I hate going to the gym, running on treadmills, or doing weights. I like keeping it fun and relaxed because that is when you are sure to get results.
Don't leave your job without getting an acting offer. Very few people in the industry are lucky to get a film without much struggle and be successful.
If you yourself are not comfortable about your body, do something about it. If you are comfortable, let it be. Other people have no right to comment anyway.
When you finish reading a script and think it is good but have reservations about a kissing scene, it means that you haven't understood the script completely.
There's nothing new about women playing pivotal parts or title roles in films. Women in strong characters have always been accepted. It has been this way for years.
I have a backup plan. Everybody should have a backup plan. I am a banker. The day you all get bored of me and don't want to watch my films, I will go back to banking.
On screen, I may hate a co-star, have a stomach ache, but I have to convince you of that emotion that is demanded on cue. There are times when I feel like dancing, but on 'action,' I'll have to cry.
When two people who are in a relationship and want to have fun, they should mutually agree and warn the other person to not get serious. If they mutually agree, then it's fine because they're just having fun.
It's my life's aim to make people understand the job of an actor, what they go through, and why they are such a protected species. People see the glamour part of it. But there's so much stress that often you don't even pay attention to the luxuries.
I do martial arts mostly. But if I am bored, or my body is aching, I swim or go the gym. I can sometimes be doing cardio on the treadmill, kick boxing, stretching, dance, whatever I feel like. I just make sure I have something to do every day but no particular set routine.