Record stores can't save your life. But they can give you a better one.

Writing is about confidence and wondering what the point of anything is.

The outward manifestations of an inner combustion are never very directed.

I think that every book that's in a bookstore should entertain in some way.

It's a great relief that you're not as bad a parent as you thought you were.

Like all books that have that kind of momentum, it starts from word of mouth.

The truth will set you free. Either that or it'll get you a punch in the nose.

I've committed to nothing...and that's just tiny, tiny increments.

Life isn't, and has never been, a 2-0 home victory after a fish and chip lunch.

You wouldn't believe that so much could change just because a relationship ended.

One could argue that most of the trouble in the world is caused by introspection.

When your sad--like really sad--you only want to be with other people who are sad.

Sarcasm and compassion are two of the qualities that make life on Earth tolerable.

One has so many more opinions about what has gone wrong than about what is perfect.

The writing in those HBO dramas, like 'The Wire,' is as good as anything I've seen.

He'd told her it was just a scratch and got cross when she hadn't offered morphine.

Whether I am writing about a man or woman makes no difference in terms of difficulty.

The Internet's changed everything. There are no record stores to hang out in anymore.

There's no doubt that he's the biggest sports star in the world now. (on David Beckham)

I would like my personal reading map to resemble a map of the British Empire circa 1900.

Words don't come very easily to me. Which, given my profession, is a worrying impediment.

Everything's complicated, even those things that seem flat in their bleakness or sadness.

my friends don't seem to be friends at all but people whose phone numbers I haven't lost.

The natural state of the football fan is bitter disappointment, no matter what the score.

We're here for such a short amount of time. Why do we spend any of it building sandcastles?

The artistic temperament is particularly unhelpful if it is just that, with no end product.

I used to go and see the Clash a fair bit. I did think they were dead cool, and very handsome.

I think firmly that art is no use to anyone unless it offers some kind of consolation or hope.

I'm still not a very good white wine, but I'm drinkable - you could put me in a punch, anyway.

I miss him like one might miss a scar, or wooden leg, something disfiguring but characteristic.

The point is you keep going. You want to. So all the things that make you want to are the point.

It takes me two to three years to write a novel. A screenplay is 100 pages and takes five years.

If you can get every kid to have found a book that he or she loves, then you've done a great job.

I do not wish to produce prose that draws attention to itself, rather than the world it describes.

Unhappiness really meant something back then. Now it's just a drag, like a cold or having no money.

You're not allowed to say anything about books because they're books, and books are, you know, God.

I guess I should have forgotten about it ages ago, but forgetting isn't something I'm very good at.

You have to work at relationships. You can’t just walk out on them every time something goes wrong.

If adults are not enjoying something they're doing in their leisure time, they should stop doing it.

…I've had a bad week." What's happened?" Nothing's happened. I've had a bad week in my head, is all.

When someone says they've read your book 15 times, you think, 'Well, you should read something else.'

We can't be as good as we'd want to, so the question then becomes, how do we cope with our own badness?

Jeremy Corbyn has proved popular with young voters in part because he has promised an end to austerity.

When even the scrupulously detached BBC is exhorting us to talk to God, you know something is going on.

Joni Mitchell's someone who has tried to make sense of her own world, sometimes painfully, through song.

In other words, it's one of those books you thrust on your partner with an incredulous cry of "This is me!

I don't believe in Heaven or anything. But I want to be the kind of person that qualifies for entry anyway.

What harm has he ever done to you?' 'You know what harm he's done me. He offended me with his terrible taste.

That was his mother. When she wasn't crying over the breakfast cereal, she was laughing about killing herself.

I wasted the 1980s. I wasted every minute at Cambridge talking to people who knew more about music than I did.

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