Identity can be so gelatinous sometimes.

And sometimes when you fall... you fly...

Chicago happened slowly, like a migraine.

The only water in the forest is the River.

Make your mistakes, next year and forever.

Books were safer than other people anyway.

Without dreams, there could be no despair.

I do not threaten, I merely advise caution.

I am amiable. Vague. Puzzled. Messy-haired.

Wherever you go, you take yourself with you.

I fell for her like a suicide from a bridge.

The stuff you bring back from dreams is free.

Whatever it is you're scared of doing, Do it.

It begins, as most things begin, with a song.

Libraries really are the gates to the future.

Mirrors,' she said, 'are never to be trusted.

Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me over.

On the whole, stories don't write themselves.

Never mind. There. For good or bad. It's done.

I don't know. I had to be something, didn't I?

It's easier to believe in aliens than in gods.

You hurt. It's okay. I hurt too. Hold my hand.

A book is a dream that you hold in your hands.

It is your differences that make you glorious.

You don't pass or fail at being a person, dear.

You get what anybody gets - you get a lifetime.

We often confuse what we wish for with what is.

Tools, of course, can be the subtlest of traps.

Call no man happy, said Shadow, until he is dead

I started writing when I was about 20, 21 maybe.

A life that is, like any other, unlike any other.

Even the proudest spirit can be broken with love.

People are icebergs. So much of us is underneath.

I lived in books more than I lived anywhere else.

Any view of things that is not strange, is false.

I was not so old that I would deny my own senses.

You know you can set fire to the capacity to say.

Start telling the stories that only you can tell.

You are an analog girl, living in a digital world.

Partly because I get such astonishingly nice fans.

I was not scared of anything, when I read my book.

Never trust the storyteller. Only trust the story.

I will be brave, thought Coraline. No, I am brave.

The world seemed to shimmer a little at the edges.

I really like being able to laugh at my own jokes.

Life is a disease, sexually transmitted and fatal.

I'm never quite sure if I'm me when I'm dressed up.

Don't start anything you're not prepared to finish.

There's none so blind as those who will not listen.

Does it make you feel big to make a little boy cry?

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