If people are standing up there saying, my football team just won with help from God, then obviously God just pissed over the other team.

He had kissed her good night that night, and she had tasted like strawberry daiquiris, and he had never wanted to kiss anyone else again.

Goodnight world. While I sleep, I hope you'll all continue to do whatever it is you do. Unless you murder sleeping authors. Don't do that.

For a moment he thought she was about to hit him, which would have been bad, or even start crying, which would have been much, much worse.

The moment that you feel that just possibly you are walking down the street naked...that's the moment you may be starting to get it right.

The names are the first things to go, after the breath has gone, and the beating of the heart. We keep our memories longer than our names.

There's not much high and low culture any more: there's just mingling streams of art and what matters is whether it's good art or bad art.

The only people I ever get irritated with are the ones who announce, using my Twitter handle, that they are no longer following me and why.

I watch with envious eyes and mind, the single-souled who dare not feel The wind that blows beyond the moon, who do not hear the fairy reel

The moment that you feel that just possibly you are walking down the street naked... that's the moment you may be starting to get it right.

I'd love to think that people in the future would gather in theatres, at conventions, and in darkened rooms, and read it out to each other.

Just go with it. It won't hurt.' I stared at him. Adults only ever said that when it, whatever it happened to be, was going to hurt so much.

Sometimes I wish that just solving the plot problems was enough. And then elves would go and do all the actual work moving the words around.

She was the storm, she was the lightning, she was the adult world with all its power and all its secrets and all its foolish casual cruelty.

It seems like every time I agree to work with a video game company they go out of business. I stopped because I was starting to feel guilty.

I would not wish to marry someone who had already been married. It would be,' she opined, 'like having someone else break in one's own pony.

I loved the fact that I was suddenly no longer dependent on whether a store took out an ad in the right place, or on the word on the street.

When you start off, you have to deal with the problems of failure. You need to be thickskinned, to learn that not every project will survive.

Songs remain. They last...A song can last long after the events and the people in it are dust and dreams and gone. That's the power of songs.

Being brave doesn't mean you aren't scared. Being brave means you are scared, really scared, badly scared, and you do the right thing anyway.

Whatever it takes to finish things, finish. You will learn more from a glorious failure than you ever will from something you never finished.

Nobody looks like what they really are on the inside. You don’t. I don’t. People are much more complicated than that. It’s true of everybody.

Take one, and you cannot take the other. But neither path is safe. Which way would you walk — the way of hard truths or the way of fine lies?

The squirrel has not yet found the acorn that will grow to the oak that will be cut to form the cradle of the babe that will grow to slay me.

In a novel, you can always go back and make it look like you knew what you were doing all along before the thing goes out and gets published.

I wanted to write something that would be a comedy in the sense of making people feel happier when they finish it than they did when began it.

Know that diamonds and roses are as uncomfortable when they tumble from one's lips as toads and frogs: colder, too, and sharper, and they cut.

I must confess, I have always wondered what lay beyond life, my dear. Yeah, everybody wonders. And sooner or later everybody gets to find out.

Because there are mysteries. Because there are things that people are forbidden to speak about. Because there are things they do not remember.

Different people remember things differently, and you'll not get any two people to remember anything the same, whether they were there or not.

None of us know where our stories come from. That's why writers make fun of people who ask us where we get our ideas... because we don't know.

I like reading. I prefer not reading on my computer, because that makes whatever I am reading feel like work. I do not mind reading on my iPad.

For the record, I don't expect you to believe any of this. Not really. I'm a liar by trade, after all; albeit, I like to think, an honest liar.

My heart… It feels like my chest can barely contain it. Like it’s trying to escape because it doesn’t belong to me any more. It belongs to you.

If you were to try and pick him out of a group of boys, you’d be wrong. He’d be the other one. Over at the side. The one your eye slipped over.

Until that moment she had never thought she could do it. Never thought she would be brave enough or scared enough, or desperate enough to dare.

Shadow looked down at the girl on the table. “What happened to her?” he asked. “Poor taste in boyfriends,” said Jacquel. “It’s not always fatal.

Great, big, serious novels always get awards. If it's a battle between a great, big, serious novel and a funny novel, the funny novel is doomed.

The simplest way to make sure that we raise literate children is to teach them to read, and to show them that reading is a pleasurable activity.

There are three things, and three things only, that can lift the pain of mortality and ease the ravages of life. These are wine, women and song.

Be hole, be dust, be dream, be wind/Be night, be dark, be wish, be mind,/Now slip, now slide, now move unseen,/Above, beneath, betwixt, between.

The current total of countries in the world with First Amendments is one. You have guaranteed freedom of speech. Other countries don't have that.

Eyes as black and as shiny as chips of obsidian stared back into his. They were eyes like black holes, letting nothing out, not even information.

What makes you think I'm giving you a ride?” “Because I'm a damsel in distress,” she said. “And you are a knight in whatever. A really dirty car.

Read. Read anything. Read the things they say are good for you, and the things they claim are junk. You'll find what you need to find. Just read.

We do not always remember the things that do no credit to us. We justify them, cover them in bright lies or with the thick dust of forgetfulness.

You mourn, for it is proper to mourn. But your grief serves you; you do not become a slave to grief. You bid the dead farewell, and you continue.

Be wise, because the world needs more wisdom. And if you cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is wise, and then just behave like they would.

Words can be worrisome, poeple complex, motives and manners unclear, grant her the wisdom to choose her path right, free from unkindness and fear.

You're no help," he told the lime. This was unfair. It was only a lime; there was nothing special about it at all. It was doing the best it could.

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