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Points of Light - through our affiliates in 250 U.S. communities and 15 international sites - engages 4 million volunteers in 30 million hours of service each year touching countless lives.
I think there's a real calling out there for leadership and maybe the Bush family could fill the void. All of us have been bitten by the bug to do something some day in our lives to help others.
My dad's career in politics, along with that of my grandfather, Prescott Bush, taught us that good people motivated by helping others can jump into the political fray and make a positive difference.
For Dad, service took him many unexpected places. It summoned him and his crew mates to the skies over the Pacific Ocean in World War II. It took him to Capitol Hill, Beijing and eventually the Oval Office.
The last book I read to my mom was 'Barbara Bush: A Memoir' published by mom in 1994. It reflected on their entire life - dad going to China, running the CIA, running for Senate, running for President twice.
Globalisation, and specifically our connectivity to China, has contributed to a sustained growth in the U.S. economy, has led to full employment and has benefited consumers with lower-cost, high-quality goods.
Chinese leaders are walking a tightrope in terms of maintaining internal stability so that the solid platform that has produced amazing results can continue to improve the quality of life for more of its citizens.
With open markets, the nation's trade deficit with China would shrink as we export more natural gas and agricultural products and as China's consumers could afford to buy their preferred 'Made in America' products.
The example set by my grandparents and parents - that of giving one's time, talent, voice and resources, either from one's own home or from the highest office in the land - had a profound effect on me and my siblings.
I wish there were more, if there if there were more George H.W. Bushes in the world, we'd be, we'd have a lot more harmony, a lot more freedom, a lot more peace on earth, and I'm just so proud of his legacy he left earlier.
The federal government turns away thousands of applicants to AmeriCorps every year. Our service men and women returning from overseas want to continue to serve. Children from every corner of the country can't wait to volunteer.
You can complain about problems, and you can suffer from the ramifications of issues that are social in nature and impact you, but the best thing you can do is get off your couch, get out of your home and go do something about it.
American public opinion sees Arabs as terrorists and has the desert-man image about them. I wish the Americans would see Arabs and Muslims the way I see them... but Arabs are losing the public relations battle in the United States.
For the record, I was heartbroken when my brother Jeb dropped out of the race for president, not just because he's my brother but because he was clearly the best-qualified candidate, in both experience and temperament to lead the nation.
It is not unusual for children to follow the paths cut by their parents. You frequently see the children of doctors enter medicine, military members' children enlist. In my family, we witnessed different forms of public and community service.
We have too much respect for our father to make a Bush Beer or write books or do anything that's self-serving. I know all of us will avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest with the government and bend over backward to stay out of the news.
My mom was the organized enforcer. When someone crossed the line, mom was pretty clear-minded about how to... correct that error. But my dad led by his example, so we never wanted to do anything wrong that would, that would upset him or disturb him.
A lot of what I do around Houston is to find ways to lift people through literacy. It's become part of our family culture. Everyone in our family has found some way and capacity to serve. You don't necessarily need to be President or First Lady to serve and help.
My first trip to China was in 1975 when my father was the 'bicycling ambassador' representing the U.S. in Beijing. This was a time towards the end of the Cultural Revolution where there were very few personal liberties, China was pretty much closed off to the West.
My grandmother, Dorothy Walker Bush, worked long, hard hours for the Red Cross during World War II because it was the right thing to do for her community. The example of his parents established my father's belief that every human has the capacity to serve their fellow man.
When it comes to China, there are genuine giants that need to be conquered and dragons to tame. Protecting intellectual property rights and leveling the playing field for international trade are serious matters that must be resolved. But that will happen through honest negotiation.