The thing you set your mind on is the thing you ultimately become.

Accuracy is twin brother to honesty, and inaccuracy to dishonesty.

Accuracy is the twin brother of honesty; inaccuracy, of dishonesty.

There are many things in this world that a child must not ask about.

She could no longer borrow from the future to ease her present grief.

But this had been a sin of passion, not of principle, nor even purpose.

A grave, wherever found, preaches a short and pithy sermon to the soul.

The inward pleasure of imparting pleasure - that is the choicest of all.

The Christian faith is a grand cathedral with divinely pictured windows.

The sorrow that lay cold in her mother's heart... converted it into a tomb.

Strength is incomprehensible by weakness, and, therefore, the more terrible.

New England is quite as large a lump of earth as my heart can really take in.

I do detest all offices - all, at least, that are held on a political tenure.

Romance and poetry, ivy, lichens and wallflowers need ruin to make them grow.

Honesty and wisdom are such a delightful pastime, at another person's expense!

We must not always talk in the market-place of what happens to us in the forest.

She poured out the liquid music of her voice to quench the thirst of his spirit.

Death possesses a good deal, of real estate, namely, the graveyard in every town.

Nobody has any conscience about adding to the improbabilities of a marvelous tale.

The love of science to rival the love of woman, in its depth and absorbing energy.

No, my little Pearl! Thou must gather thine own sunshine. I have none to give thee.

The fiend in his own shape is less hideous than when he rages in the breast of men.

It is because the spirit is inestimable, that the lifeless body is so little valued.

A human spirit may find no insufficiency of food fit for it, even in the Custom House.

The world, that grey-bearded and wrinkled profligate, decrepit, without being venerable.

Keep the imagination sane--that is one of the truest conditions of communion with heaven.

Our most intimate friend is not he to whom we show the worst, but the best of our nature.

What we need for our happiness is often close at hand, if we knew but how to seek for it.

If truth were everywhere to be shown, a scarlet letter would blaze forth on many a bosom.

Happiness is not found in things you possess, but in what you have the courage to release.

What other dungeon is so dark as one's own heart! What jailer so inexorable as one's self!

Nervous and excitable persons need to talk a great deal, by way of letting off their steam.

Sleeping or waking, we hear not the airy footsteps of the strange things that almost happen.

The best of us being unfit to die, what an unexpressible absurdity to put the worst to death.

Religion and art spring from the same root and are close kin. Economics and art are strangers.

The heart of true womanhood knows where its own sphere is, and never seeks to stray beyond it!

The greatest possible mint of style is to make the words absolutely disappear into the thought.

There is no greater bugbear than a strong willed relative in the circle of his own connections.

A singular fact, that, when man is a brute, he is the most sensual and loathsome of all brutes.

Shall we never never get rid of this Past? ... It lies upon the Present like a giant's dead body.

If the truth were to be known, everyone would be wearing a scarlet letter of one form or another.

I heard a neigh. Oh, such a brisk and melodious neigh it was. My very heart leapt with the sound.

Nobody will use other people's experience, nor have any of his own till it is too late to use it.

What, in the name of common-sense, had I to do with any better society than I had always lived in?

Trusting no man as his friend, he could not recognize his enemy when the latter actually appeared.

You can get assent to almost any proposition so long as you are not going to do anything about it.

When an uninstructed multitude attempts to see with its eyes, it is exceedingly apt to be deceived.

I have laughed, in bitterness and agony of heart, at the contrast between what I seem and what I am!

The greatest obstacle to being heroic is the doubt whether one may going to prove one's self a fool.

There is an alchemy of quiet malice by which women can concoct a subtle poison from ordinary trifles.

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