The tools belong to the man who can use them.

In war it is not men, but the man who counts.

A throne is only a bench covered with velvet.

The army is the true nobility of our country.

The most dangerous moment comes with victory.

The Mohammedan religion is the finest of all.

The sovereignty of the people is inalienable.

I have destroyed the enemy merely by marches.

Public esteem is the recompense of honest men.

The truest wisdom is a resolute determination.

Give me enough medals and I’ll win you any war

The strong are good, only the weak are wicked.

The French complain of everything, and always.

The human race is governed by its imagination.

One might as well try to charge through a wall.

I haven't known 6 days of happiness in my life.

The heart of a statesman should be in his head.

Good intelligence is nine-tenths of any battle.

In war, men are nothing, one man is everything.

I wish I could take a raincheck on June 18.1815

It requires more courage to suffer than to die.

He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat.

A portion of the multitude must ever be coerced.

Immortality is the best recollection one leaves.

Better to have a known enemy than a forced ally.

Rashness succeeds often, still more often fails.

We are born, we live, we die among supernatural.

Anarchy is the stepping stone to absolute power.

Men will risk their lives, even die for ribbons.

You may ask me for anything you like except time.

Soldiers win battles and generals get the medals.

An aristocracy is the true support of a monarchy.

I do not amuse myself by thinking of dead people.

A faithful friend is the true image of the Deity.

Necessity dominates inclination, will, and right.

My dominion ends where that of conscience begins.

The only one who is wiser than anyone is everyone.

Man, not men, is the most important consideration.

Knowledge and history are the enemies of religion.

The art of government is not to let me grow stale.

The Jews are the master robbers of the modern age.

The best way to keep one's word is not to give it.

Better to have an open enemy, than hidden friends.

Never tell your enemy he is doing the wrong thing.

Half of the people in the world are below average.

The logical end to defensive warfare is surrender.

I may be accused or rashness, but not sluggishness.

Great ambition is the passion of a great character.

Success is the most convincing talker in the world.

It's the people who are in the wrong who get angry.

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