My reason for becoming a vegetarian was simple: I loved (and love) animals

Once the pathological low self-esteem goes, that's when things go downhill.

Without David Bowie, popular music as we know it pretty much wouldn't exist.

Whereas for me, touring tends to be a very strange and isolating experience.

I think it'd be great if Prince made an album of just romantic, slow ballads.

Never have public feuds with anyone who's surrounded by people who carry guns.

I don't think I'm a particularly good writer, and I'm not terribly insightful.

People don't truly respond to something until they see the direct consequences.

New York has inspired more remarkable music than any other city I can think of.

I used to have a lot of envy for those musicians who have been universally loved.

I'm not Catholic but the Virgin Mary fascinates me because she's like a folk hero.

I buy things with the best of intention of living in them and then life intercedes.

I just want to try - on a daily basis keep trying - to make music that I really love.

I'm gonna have to start walking down the street and start hitting people in the head!

God has taken his chosen people, the problem being you are the only non-chosen person.

I love it when celebrities fall apart, you want them to fall apart like Charlie Sheen.

As time passes and the more advanced science becomes, the more interesting it becomes.

But at the same time, I don't let myself regret things to the point that I'm paralyzed.

I love nyc. It's the city of my birth and probably the most amazing city on the planet.

I'd much rather go to a Banksy art show than a Moby art show. My art is painfully naive.

I'm straight, but I love going to house music clubs and flirting with women and gay men.

The only sort of descriptive adjective or catch phrase for my music would be 'eclectic.'

Dogs have boundless enthusiasm but no sense of shame. I should have a dog as a life coach.

If I had to label myself now, I'd call myself a Taoist-Christian-agnostic quantum mechanic.

I love the idea of making records that people can use, records that have a sense of utility.

The truth is that genetics has robbed me of hair. But it's not interesting to blame genetics.

The moment a career is on a quantitative downswing, your loathsomeness is sort of attenuated.

I'm a weird, bald musician who makes records in his bedroom and lives in the Lower East Side.

I find myself for whatever reason unable to live in the apartment I renovate and have to sell.

There is nothing terribly wrong with my face, even if some of its parts aren't very inspiring.

I truly don't judge other people's actions. But I think that factory farming is an abomination.

Punishing people for listening to music is exactly the wrong way to protect the music business.

Because we find somethings distasteful is not justification enough for us to deem them criminal.

I still never get recognized. Small, bald white guys like myself - we all kind of look the same.

I've done the performing monkey stuff and massive breakdowns, it's just they weren't documented.

The average life expectancy of a celebrity is 20 years less than someone working in a coal mine.

I was trying to convince myself I could learn to be gay - but no. That's one of my great regrets.

I grew up obsessed with science fiction, and when I was really young, I wanted to be a scientist.

Call me a nerd if you like, but I do find it hard to leave home without my laptop and a good book.

As long as the world continues to be strange and interesting, I still want to take pictures of it.

Sometimes I love the marriage of art and commerce; I love Donna Summer; I like the Rolling Stones.

I'd rather be around broken people who have a degree of humility, and just get on with their work.

One of the problems with being relatively conscious and human, is that you want to help everybody.

I'm envious of people who can sleep as long as they want. I have the circadian rhythm of a farmer.

There is a lot of music in the world that I love that does not always get the appropriate exposure.

I'd just rather have a really sharp, interesting, smart gay son than some big dumb hetero meathead.

I think the word 'blog' is an ugly word. I just don't know why people can't use the word 'journal.'

My goal is to make one-not a hodgepodge, but just the sort of record that I would want to listen to.

I love that vinyl is actually growing in popularity, and that there are so many great record stores.

In a perfect world, I would be 6-foot-3 and have a perfect head of hair and look like Orlando Bloom.

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