Logic is pointless.

Women want to be tamed.

I'm a nationalist and populist.

I release my scoops strategically.

Civil rights cases are hard to win.

I definitely deserve to be trolled.

There's tremendous SEO value in Gawker.

You can't disbar unethical journalists.

Backing Trump has been bad for business.

I care about national sovereignty of America.

I knew my reporting would be validated eventually.

Trump... has the 'strong father' masculine energy.

I look forward to breaking huge stories on InfoWars.

If you're in the fake news, I'm reading your emails.

My view of the alt-right was that it was a big tent.

The only tweets I feel bad about are the fat-chick ones.

My first marriage was ruined by feminist indoctrination.

I consider myself a writer, foremost - a nonfiction writer.

The two pillars of feminism are narcissism and entitlement.

I'm sufficiently complex that there's no one truth about me.

I view myself as having an adversarial approach to the media.

Netflix is a pro-SJW business, so it pains me to give them $8 a month.

In the jungle, size is king. Women like big men. That's just evolution.

Can I take on the Republican Party machine? Get real. No. Zero percent.

The Harvey Weinstein case showed us that Hollywood is rotten to the core.

People want a little excitement. I tell the truth, but I do it theatrically.

Trump must've been an extraordinary father to have raised well-adjusted kids.

It takes a great deal of courage to give me a public shout out, that's for sure.

My identity is based around being a writer. I can't not write. It's a compulsion.

I wouldn't say all journalism is activism, but I would say most journalism is activism.

Anything with Soros, I lay low. People kind of just roll their eyes when you bring him up.

I want to do journalism on journalists. I want to do the stories on stories that aren't being told.

Although I'm great at political commentary and journalism, it's not my passion. 'Gorilla Mindset' is.

Until the Right wins for once, I have no interest in arguing with the alt-right or disavowing anyone.

We're moving from a centralized understanding of the world to a decentralized understanding of the world.

Most super PACs are a money-laundering operation that exists solely to enrich the members or its founders.

I'm not sensitive about my lisp, but a lot of people are, and it's not the type of trait people should mock.

I don't take anything Hillary Clinton is going to say at all as true. I'm not going to take her on her word.

I want people to know we throw real parties. We don't need more boring libertarian or conservative conferences.

If a girl you're on a date with expresses ideals similar to those expressed by social justice bullies, end the date.

We live in an age of micro aggressions where people are deemed racist or sexist of phobic for making one wrong tweet.

Am I a ranting maniac on Twitter? Yeah, but I'm also a pretty mellow, married guy who's into hiking and walking his dog.

Why is the Right so afraid of being called racist? Why do they attack their allies on the Right, even calling us racist?

Check your testosterone levels. Every study on evolutionary psychology has correlated testosterone levels with dominance.

The alt-right has become about white identity politics. Obviously I'm not a white-identitarian, so the alt-right can do their thing.

Antifa are the left-wing version of Nazis. They are very violent; they are terrible people. They cause a ruckus and property damage.

The new right-wing movement is a wide group of people committed to free speech, anti-war, trade. It's sympathetic to whistleblowers.

None of us are good or evil, and that frustrates us because we want to see others as wearing a white hat or black hat. My hat is grey.

I don't want anyone to think of me as a pro-Trump guy. I'm going to specifically reject any kind of branding about pro-Trump or whatever.

With the SEO value of Gawker, I could sell anything, including 'Gorilla Mindset' books. I would self-monetize. The way Alex Jones does it.

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