I really don't like having to get dressed up.

To me, nothing beats McDonalds and a scary movie at home.

Spanish women are so sexy. The way they move and talk drives me crazy!

I tried to double major in Psychology & Theater at Loyola Marymount but felt I needed to concentrate more on theater.

I love meeting new people. I have been so lucky to meet some of my closest friends on set like James Gunn, Nathan Fillion, and Aly Michalka.

I loved playing Jackie on 'Happy Endings.' It was really exciting to be in the pilot and then be able to come back. Her character was so much fun!

I guess that, as a girl from Washington state, I am attracted to a little scruff and men who are able to roll out of bed, throw on a baseball cap, and call it a day.

As early as I can remember, I would put on plays with my cousin and make my dad record them. In kindergarten, I started doing the school plays, and it just continued.

A man should never pretend to be someone he's not to impress a woman. There is nothing sexier than an authentic man with integrity. Be who you are from the start. No games.

Working next to Glenn Close was unreal. I kept saying, 'I'm gonna pinch myself, this is a dream.' She's one of the most respected actresses in the world, and I respect her so much.

My parents have truly gone above and beyond in not only supporting me but also encouraging me to follow my dreams. My dad's only wish was that I made sure to go to college for theatre and study my craft.

I used to have the biggest crush on Jimmy Kimmel. I liked him when he was chubbier, though. I've never really been attracted to the 'classically' handsome guy. I've always liked men with a little meat on their bones.

I can never remember a time when I didn't want to be an actress, to be honest. And so, all through high school, I knew that I was gonna go to college in Los Angeles. I just didn't know where. And I knew that I was gonna try to get my theater degree.

I wish that there was a program in college that taught you what to do about getting head shots, how to get an agent, how to get a manager, how to - none of that was taught. It was all your craft, and I'm very appreciative that they taught the craft in theater, but film and television are completely different than theater.

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