They can expect nothing but their labor for their pains. - Cervantes

There were but two families in the world, Have-much and Have-little.

Virtue is persecuted by the wicked more than it is loved by the good.

The wounds received in battle bestow honor, they do not take it away.

Tis the only comfort of the miserable to have partners in their woes.

There is no book so bad...that it does not have something good in it.

He who has the judge for his father goes into court with an easy mind.

There is remedy for all things except death - Don Quixote De La Mancha

Don't put too fine a point to your wit for fear it should get blunted.

Controlling my temper is important, ... Sometimes it's hard, but I try.

Sancho Panza by name is my own self, if I was not changed in my cradle.

A bad year and a bad month to all the backbiting bitches in the world!.

A little in one's own pocket is better than much in another man's purse.

My heart is wax molded as she pleases, but enduring as marble to retain.

A private sin is not so prejudicial in this world, as a public indecency.

Digo, paciencia y barajar. What I say is, patience, and shuffle the cards.

Pray look better, Sir... those things yonder are no giants, but windmills.

You are a king by your own fireside, as much as any monarch in his throne.

There is no jewel in the world so valuable as a chaste and virtuous woman.

Pray, look better, sir... those things yonder are no giants, but windmills.

Blessed be he who invented sleep, a cloak that covers all a man's thoughts.

No padlocks, bolts, or bars can secure a maiden better than her own reserve.

Well-gotten wealth may lose itself, but the ill-gotten loses its master also.

How will he who does not know how to govern himself know how to govern others?

Where envy reigns virtue can't exist, and generosity doesn't go with meanness.

Inasmuch as ill-deeds spring up as a spontaneous crop, they are easy to learn.

It is better that a judge should lean on the side of compassion than severity.

Delay always breeds danger; and to protract a great design is often to ruin it.

Maybe the greatest madness is to see life as it is rather than what it could be.

The brave man carves out his fortune, and every man is the sum of his own works.

Drink moderately, for drunkeness neither keeps a secret, nor observes a promise.

Do not eat garlic or onions; for their smell will reveal that you are a peasant.

Riches are of little avail in many of the calamities to which mankind are liable.

Let everyone turn himself around, and look at home, and he will find enough to do.

All persons are not discreet enough to know how to take things by the right handle.

The ass will carry his load, but not a double load; ride not a free horse to death.

Be brief, for no talk can please when too long. Being prepared is half the victory.

It is past all controversy that what costs dearest is, and ought to be, most valued.

When the severity of the law is to be softened, let pity, not bribes, be the motive.

El pan comido y la compan? |a deshecha. With the bread eaten, the company breaks up.

Love is invisible and comes and goes where it wants, without anyone asking about it.

Make it thy business to know thyself, which is the most difficult lesson in the world

Does the devil possess you? You're leaping over the hedge before you come at the stile.

Liberty ... is one of the most valuable blessings that Heaven has bestowed upon mankind.

He who's down one day can be up the next, unless he really wants to stay in bed, that is.

We ought to love our Maker for His own sake, without either hope of good or fear of pain.

In short, virtue cannot live where envy reigns, nor liberality subsist with niggardliness.

She fights and vanquishes in me, and I live and breathe in her, and I have life and being.

It is a true saying that a man must eat a peck of salt with his friend before he knows him.

"He preaches well that lives well," quoth Sancho, "that's all the divinity I can understand."

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