As an actor, all you want to do is to work and do good work.

Kill me, I don't care. I do not want to be on this Earth anymore.

As an actor, you're constantly riddled with self-doubt. You are your own worst critic.

The whole point of taking a job is that you connect with a character or with an issue.

There are fewer and fewer new roles for actresses as they get older. And that's not right.

You have no idea what you get involved in when you start a role. You just hope that it's going to be successful.

When you're doing a job, you go out there and do it to the best of your ability and you don't think about awards and things like that.

I remember watching 'The Wire,' because I absolutely adored 'The Wire,' and there were so many secret layers within that drama, and it was just fantastic.

As an actor you accept that you have to publicise what you do, but as for the whole personal life thing that people sometimes choose, no, that's not for me.

I've done Broadway, and it was a fantastic experience, but I'm very happy in London. If work comes that involves going to America, that's fine, but otherwise, no.

As an actor, you accept that you have to publicise what you do, but as for the whole personal life thing that people sometimes choose, no, that's not for me. I've always kept the focus on my work.

The experience of reading a novel and watching a television show are quite different. You can't let your audience get ahead of you, and you have to keep the energy and the pace and the drama up. They're very different things.

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