Morals are built on religious faith. Virtue is built on morality and influences a culture.

I haven’t had a gaffe or something that I’ve done that has caused me to fall in the polls.

The biased left-wing media does what it wants. That's not going to define me or hamper me.

Never in the history of the United States have we cut back on troops when we've been at war.

My ability to function effectively will not affect my ability to serve as commander-in-chief.

I think the people that Barack Obama has been associating with are anti-American, by and large.

My husband and I had five biological children but we also have been raising 23 foster children.

Let's not do that. Let's love people. Let's care about people. Let's repeal it now while we can.

There is a difference between God as a sense of comfort, and God actually telling you what to do!

Let me tell you what the Tea Party stands for. It stands for the fact that we are taxed enough already.

You should get to keep every dollar that you earn. That's your money. That's not the government's money.

I grew up with three brothers and no sisters. That's the best preparation for politics any girl can have.

The big thing we are working on now is the global warming hoax. It’s all voodoo, nonsense, hokum, a hoax.

If we want to kill Obamacare and we want to end socialized medicine, it must be done in the next election!

They can get married. They can marry a man if they're a woman. Or they can marry a woman if they're a man.

We need one strong hombre or hombre-ette, and I'm the hombre-ette to go and stand for you in Washington DC.

You will never see President Bachmann step one toe out of the United States and apologize for this country.

It's important for us to be kind to other people and treat other people the way that we want to be treated.

I always worked very hard against the unconstitutional individual mandate in health care. I didn't praise it.

I have a very strong, very proven record that I am not a compromiser. [...] I have a spine made out of titanium.

People think when you have a, quote, 'bank failure,' that that is the end of the bank. And it isn't necessarily.

The Tea Party is an organic, spontaneous movement that rose up in opposition to to the Pelosi-Reid-Obama agenda.

I made a decision when I ran for president that I wouldn't whine about my coverage in the media, and I never did.

Mitt Romney understands the private sector, he understands how profit is created, and he isn't embarrassed by it.

Marriage was created by the hand of God. No man, not even a Supreme Court, can undo what a holy God has instituted.

I come from a modest background. I put myself through college and law school and a postdoctorate program in tax law.

There are hundreds and hundreds of scientists, many of them holding Nobel Prizes, who believe in intelligent design.

I believe that America is the indispensable nation of the world. Just the creation of this nation itself was a miracle.

I'm not involved in light, frivolous matters. I'm not involved in fringe or side issues. I'm involved in serious issues.

When migraines briefly became a campaign issue for me, it appeared that political foes were maybe playing the gender card.

We saw the president of the United States engage American troops in a fourth conflict in a foreign land. This is historic.

If you ask people do you think that government should spend less money than what it takes in, most people agree with that.

John Quincy Adams most certainly was a part of the Revolutionary War era. He was a young boy, but he was actively involved.

The Constitution is government's stop sign. It says, you - the three branches of government - can go so far and no farther.

During my first term in Congress, I signed a pledge that I will take no more earmarks and I've been faithful to that pledge.

Obama is for the 300 million souls of the United States what Andreas Lubitz was for the 150 souls of the Germanwings flight.

Well, what I want them to know is, just like John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa, that's the kind of spirit that I have, too.

Small business is the backbone of our economy. I'm for big business, too. But small business is where the jobs are generated.

We're seeing the fulfillment of the Book of Judges here in our own time - every man doing that which is right in his own eyes.

I have a very high opinion of Steve King and his ability, so I would encourage him to consider any position for higher office.

My view of foreign policy is that we need to be careful and circumspect about United States intervention in any foreign nation.

My husband is not running for the presidency, neither are my children, neither is our business, neither are our foster children.

When you are running for the presidency of the United States, you have to expect that you are going to have attacks by all sides.

The President of the United States will be taking a trip over to India that is expected to cost the taxpayers $200 million a day.

My heart really softens when I think about mothering because the greatest lessons that I've learned in life have been as a mother.

We have to have a candidate who is going to stand for our issues and our values and be a true, proven constitutional conservative.

If you're involved in the gay and lesbian lifestyle, it's bondage. It is personal bondage, personal despair and personal enslavement.

You can't take money from the taxpayers out of the treasury to give it to pay off your political donors. That's corruption to do that.

Small-business people do not want to have more than 50 employees, because that's when all the regulatory burden of Obamacare kicks in.

I was in the Minnesota state Senate from 2000 until 2006. In 2006, I was urged to run for Congress, I did. And I've been here ever since.

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