You cannot power the world on wind and solar.

Homelessness has become a human rights crisis.

The Amazon uses as much oxygen as it produces.

Cold white wine is so good with fatty, fried food.

Making anything more labor-intensive makes it more expensive.

In truth, humankind has never been at risk of running out of energy.

Hypocrisy demonstrates how unaccountable one is to conventional morality.

Nuclear is just a huge part of moving towards a cleaner electrical system.

Neither solar nor wind are actually substitutes for coal or natural gas or oil.

Some amount of fear of nuclear weapons is necessary for nuclear deterrence to work.

The flip side of renewables' low energy density is their low return on energy invested.

The main problem with biofuels - the land required - stems from their low power density.

The underlying problem with solar and wind is that they are too unreliable and energy-dilute.

Most people think of solar and wind as new energy sources. In fact, they are two of our oldest.

When climate goes away as an apocalyptic concern, something else will emerge. No doubt about it.

Both solar and wind produce too much energy when societies don't need it, and not enough when they do.

If solar and wind farms are needed to protect the natural environment, why do they so often destroy it?

Hawks and doves have long found common ground opposing the spread of nuclear weapons to non-nuclear states.

There are major groups, including the Sierra Club, that support efforts to deprive poor countries of energy.

The burden of higher cost electricity and benefits of renewable energy subsidies fall unevenly on Californians.

Less land is being converted into agriculture globally in part because farmers are growing more food on less land.

For years, I referred to climate change as an 'existential' threat to human civilization, and called it a 'crisis.'

In many countries, wind turbines pose the single greatest threat to bats after habitat loss and white-nose syndrome.

Climate change is happening. It's just not the end of the world. It's not even our most serious environmental problem.

Climate change is an issue I care passionately about and have dedicated a significant portion of my life to addressing.

Climate change has completely overshadowed the conservation concerns that used to be so important to the Democratic Party.

The idea that we're going to replace oil and natural gas with solar and wind, and nothing else, is a hallucinatory delusion.

The producers of 'Chernobyl' should tell the truth: the accident demonstrates the relative safety, not danger, of nuclear power.

If you think modernity is mostly to blame for pollution, visit Africa where people still burn wood and dung as an energy source.

Voters must feel that that the burden of new housing is being shared equally and not falling disproportionately on any one group.

Nobody is suggesting climate change won't negatively impact crop yields. It could. But such declines should be put in perspective.

The only countries that have successfully moved from fossil fuels to low-carbon power have done so with the help of nuclear energy.

Like many environmental documentaries, 'Planet of Humans' endorses debunked Malthusian ideas that the world is running out of energy.

Environmentalism, apocalyptic environmentalism in particular, has become the dominant religion of supposedly secular people in the West.

The nature of nuclear weapons makes it impossible to either ban the bomb or wipe out an enemy's arsenal. Nuclear deterrence was unavoidable.

Reporters have an obligation to report accurately and fairly on all issues they cover, especially ones as important as energy and the environment.

Privately, many climate and energy experts admit that the fastest, easiest, and cheapest way to decarbonize energy supplies is with nuclear power.

Nuclear is the largest source of clean, carbon-free power in rich nations, and the science shows it is the safest way to make reliable electricity.

Paid child care would make child care more efficient, allowing more children to be cared for by fewer adults, and thus free up parents to work more.

If you want to save the natural environment, you just use nuclear. You grow more food on less land, and people live in cities. It's not rocket science.

Hypocrisy is the ultimate power move. It is a way of demonstrating that one plays by a different set of rules from the ones adhered to by common people.

While some wars are planned, others result from each side retaliating in ways it views as proportionate but viewed by the other side as disproportionate.

The reason renewables can't power modern civilization is because they were never meant to. One interesting question is why anybody ever thought they could.

Only nuclear can lift all humans out of poverty while saving the natural environment. Nothing else - not coal, not solar, not geo-engineering - can do that.

There has always been enough fossil fuels to power human civilization for hundreds and perhaps thousands of years, and nuclear energy is effectively infinite.

It's when the conservationists became environmentalists that everything went bad. It stopped being about the environment. It became about controlling society.

The renewable industry claims technical innovations will improve solar and wind - but in reality nothing can change the lower power density of sunlight and wind.

Recognizing nuclear as renewable, and saving Diablo Canyon, would be a bold move for Governor Newsom. It would upset his traditional anti-nuclear environmental allies.

Facts still matter, and social media is allowing for a wider range of new and independent voices to outcompete alarmist environmental journalism at legacy publications.

The industrial revolution in England was only made possible through intensified agriculture and the use of coal for manufacturing, which delivered far more energy for far less labor.

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