Religion is an illusion and every illusion has the inevitable destiny of a soap bubble!

Religion is not a bridge between God and Man; it is a Great Wall of China between them!

Since there are thousands of reasons to be happy, let us smile so many thousands times!

Flowers have the greatest talent in converting an ordinary place into a magical palace!

Sometimes principles must be quitted without blinking en eye to discover the new paths!

Whatever their ideas or ideologies or religions are, always get along well with people!

In the very darkness of a stupid society, even a little candle deserves a great honour!

Winter is the reason for the spring; he who loves the spring must also love its reason!

Frog in the mud is happier than the man, because it has no ambition to reach the stars!

Kings also sleep; but the clever ones, with one eye open, just like dolphins and whales

When the situations seem impossible, the best thing you can do is to think the opposite!

When the winter comes, be very happy; because the spring comes only if the winter comes!

Every house takes its light from the happiness inside the house! No happiness, no light!

Beautiful places are not for sleeping; they are for staying awake to watch the beauties!

Man is the ant of the Universe; He is not an important creature, at least at the moment!

You can look at the world from a mountain or from a rat hole! Most people do the second!

Bridge is nowhere; over the bridge, you feel an emptiness inside you. Bridge is nowhere.

Challenging the truth is like playing tennis against the wall! The defeat is inevitable!

Courage is a gas pedal and fear is a brake; when we go to our destination, we need both!

If there is a strong will, there will always be a path even in the middle of precipices!

If you don't sow your field what harvest other than thorns and weeds can you anticipate?

If you have the power to resurrect the dead man, firstly, be sure that he is a good man!

Instead of building castles against your enemies, build bridges for them to come to you!

Much sooner than we think, comes the end! Science is the only master who can change this.

Put a very clever man next to a genius, his brightness will immediately turn to dullness!

Carry always your earplugs with you in case of emergency, like meeting with a politician!

When the moonlight and the waterfall come together, all other things fade from the scene!

Don't give your loved one a flower, because it too has a loved one! Let the flowers live!

This world has a secret rule: Those who have to die live, and those who have to live die!

If you can remain as an atheist in a falling plane, then it means you are a real atheist!

Every leaf knows that time is very short. All life must be lived before the autumn comes!

Feed the birds in winter; in return, they will feed your soul with the look of gratitude!

If you are a guillotine producer, watch out your head; because wickedness is a boomerang.

Our green valleys will be greener once we fully grasp the infinite vitality of the green!

If you have a light, share it with people; if you have a darkness, share it with the Sun!

Even if you are the Sun itself, don't be haughty, because you will nevertheless die down!

If you leave a good trace behind you, that trace will continue its walk even if you stop!

Make changes in your life; don't wear the same roads out, start walking on the new paths!

Love the horses, but don't ride on them! Riding the horses is a culture, a wrong culture!

Fame is a devil; obscurity is an Angel! Stay away from me, Devil; Come near to me, Angel!

Rumi says love turns thorns into flowers. This means that hate turns flowers into thorns!

Stop reading the news for a week; you will see that the world will turn from red to blue!

Talent is a firefly; even in a remote dark forest, sooner or later it is caught to an eye.

It is impossible to carry everyone you know to your future! Most will remain in your past!

Just like the dead and deserted Moon, all things appear to be beautiful from far distance!

I am against the florists and floristry! Let the flowers not be the toys of our pleasures!

Be clever and do not build walls, because in the future they will bring only shame to you!

Wise man is a lake full with fishes; clever man is a fisherman who often visits this lake!

You missed the shadow of the hawk on the vole if you think how wonderfully free a vole is!

No flower is happy in a vase, because vase is nothing but an ornate coffin for the flower.

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