If possible, avoid being a bubble; for a bubble, even the gentlest touch is fatal.

Through your ideas, you open the window of your mind and say a hello to the world.

Dwarfs can make revolutions easier than giants, because theirs will be unexpected!

In the dark days of your life, you will need the wings of hope to continue flying.

A very wise quote is a spectacular waterfall! When you see it, you feel its power!

Every lesson you take from your past immediately turns into a stairs to the light!

Walk at the edge of the precipices! It is the best way to learn walking carefully!

A day in which you do goodness far away from the crowds is indeed a very good day!

A man with a great curiosity will never get bored even if he lives millions years!

It is impossible for a dove to catch a swallow, for a clever man to catch a genius.

Civil disobedience is a lever which can move the world by using peace as a fulcrum.

As a good man, if you throw a stone to a bad person, you yourself become a bad man!

Beautiful places are almost alive! When you visit them, you can feel their breaths!

Man will always remain an unsuccessful creature till he stops being a mortal being!

Do the difficult thing; you can then have something that you can be truly proud of!

Observe everything silently, like a little bird! This invites the angels of wisdom!

With stones, you can build walls to separate people or build bridges to unite them.

Only the hardest roads make us really feel that we are alive! Leave the easy roads!

In Jupiter, there are Earth-Size storms; and in Earth, there are Jupiter-Size lies!

Even in the middle of barking dogs, you can hear the footsteps of a big revolution!

No owl is afraid of the night, no snake of the swamp and no traitor of the treason!

Peaceful and kind one monk is more valuable than violent and rude ten thousand men!

Sometimes the world sits at a corner and waits for you to fail! Surprise the world!

For ambitious and greedy, there exists no summit, but only climbing up perpetually.

There is nothing more beautiful than living a simple life in this complex universe!

Intellectual is a parrot; wise man is a crow. One is repetitive; other is creative!

If you want to do something very praiseworthy and very saintly, make a child happy!

From whichever direction or from whoever the light comes to you, always welcome it!

It is always wonderful to be a curious comet wandering in the galaxy of a good book.

The beauty of the moonlight has no meaning for the bats and for the unfeeling minds!

The list of the bigots and the list of the fools are always perfectly the same list!

Working in the tea fields under a beautiful sunshine is the dream of all the miners.

The most beautiful thing about art is that there is no saturation point in creating!

Bad is always afraid of good and that is the reason why bad tries to eliminate good!

If a man's shadow is brighter than himself, than that man becomes the shadow itself!

If you are not afraid of rising, you will see that wings start growing in your body!

Those who found nothing on the plains will find nothing on the summits of mountains!

If you can be Kind in the Land of Rudeness, you can be King in the Land of Kindness.

If you let a stupid to shape your country, you will surely get an amorphous country!

If you think the memories of the past too much, you will miss creating the new ones!

Every man is free to push the mountains, but mountains won't move with these pushes.

If the view is very beautiful, do not sit and watch; go to the view, be in the view!

Religion does not belong to God; it belongs to the human reaction against mortality!

Every nation determines its own destiny; the clever the nation, the better the fate!

Every time I see a smiling person on earth, I feel the warmth of the Sun in the sky.

For us, a pretty bird is a pretty bird; for an insect, pretty bird is an ugly enemy!

Stumble is worse than falling, because stumble is not as instructive as the falling!

When the autumn meets the tranquillity, there you can see the King of the Sceneries!

Sun always finds a way to give its light; truth always finds a way to show its face!

A well educated man with an independent mind is a type of man liked by no government!

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