No other man will have you

Nothing good is ever easy. Or worth it.

I'm not stubborn. My way is just better.

Love made her patient. It made her hopeful.

Tell me, warrior, how soon can we do this again?

Seeing you happy is the best gift I could ever ask for.

He was better than any drug, any remedy for her illness.

I'm so exhausted and yet I feel like I'll never sleep again.

Perhaps I’m tired of waiting for something I may never find.

I've always wanted to be psychoanalyzed in a den of iniquity.

When would he learn that women never stayed where you put them?

I cannot allow another man to take what I already consider mine.

Words are just words. The evidence is in how you act, how you react.

I want babies too," he said huskily. "Daughters as beautiful as you are.

Maybe I didn't always know what I was missing, but it was you. Always you.

Girlfriends' code. What's discussed with girlfriends stays with girlfriends.

No amount of saying ‘I love you’ and ‘I trust you’ makes it true when it isn’t.

And maybe that’s was her biggest crime of all. Making him fall in love with her.

If you don’t stay away from her I’ll rearrange that pretty face of yours. - Simon

This is hard... Never said it would be easy. Nothing good ever is.' -- Josie & Ash

Ahh, you’re a man used to getting his own way.” “Always,” he said in a husky growl.

No. I don’t regret it. It wasn’t the right thing to do, but I don’t regret it. - Toni

Life was sweet. Even when it was bad, there was always the hope of better...the future.

You need to worry less about what everyone else thinks and focus on what makes you happy

And you look beautiful without it, but I want you to feel just as beautiful as I see you.

Sometimes forgiveness is the hardest thing to give, but the most cherished thing to receive.

Here we are, a man and a woman, both wanting the same things, and yet, you aren’t attracted to me.

How do you maybe hit someone?” Michael drawled. “Okay, so I decked him. At the time he deserved it.

Taking the leap felt appropriate. Only it wasn’t just a short hop. It was a full plunge off a cliff.

Fantasies were safe. It was a break from reality. A chance to act on desires for a short period of time.

Said to Mairin; "There's little decency to good loving" Maddie said. "If 'tis decent, it isn't much fun"!

Tell me what you need." "You," she said simply, that one word tearing to the very heart of him. "Just you.

Whoa, wait a minute, Coletrane. Are you proposing to me?” “Well I would if you’d let me finish,” he grumbled.

Some crushes just never went away. They built, instead, into something permanent, obsessive and all consuming.

She exists, Damon. There are women out there who crave what we can give them. Once you taste it, you can't ever let go of it.

Sophie, honey, stop looking at me like that,” Garrett said gruffly. “You’ll have me convinced I’m going to die.” “You’re not?

But if I lost you, it would devastate me as nothing else has or ever could. You have so much power over me and that’s frightening.

Caelen?” “Aye, lass?” “You were right.” “What was I right about?” “Kissing. ’Tis a most wondrous thing.” She could sense his smile.

Tis a well-known fact that a man is either skilled in matters of loving or matters of war. ’Tis obvious that fighting is your skill.

I don't deserve your love or your shine, but I want it because with you I can feel the sun. I don't want to go back to those shadows.

I’ll have your fathers make something special,” Holly said serenely. “If it turns out we don’t like him, I’ll cook the next meal for him.

You hold your head up. You submitting to me doesn't mean you're anything less...the very last thing I want is for you to be some mindless puppet.

Most of all, I want you to know without a doubt that I've got your back. And your front. And your sides. I've got all of you and I'm not letting go.

Never be afraid to tell me anything,” he whispered against her hair. “No matter how ashamed you might feel. I’ll never judge you, Rachel. I love you.

You'll call me Damon. I see no need for dramatic titles. I, on the other hand will call you beautiful, lover, mine. I'll call you mine." (Damon to Serena)

He did and said all the right things. Things that went straight to her heart, and worse, they inspired the one thing that she'd given up along time ago. Hope.

Have you ever been torn between two impossibilities and knew in your heart that no matter which way you went or which path you chose that you were doomed to unhappiness?

I want him to burn for me, to not be able to go a day without touching me, holding me, caressing me. He'll be an excellent lover. I want a man who knows how to please me.

You can't control everything. You can't control how someone feels about you. Or what makes them tick. You can only control how you react, how you act, how you think and feel.

One song bled into another and they remained locked together, neither willing to break the intimacy that surrounded them, concealing them in the small space the two occupied.

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