Whatever you see, hear or experience in the world is ephemeral. Get in touch with the eternal substratum of everything.

Most human beings know only the language of exploitation. Due to their selfishness, they are unable to consider others.

In this universe it is Love that binds everything together. Love is the very foundation, beauty and fulfillment of life.

To awaken spiritual unity, and to spread to others the love that is our inherent nature, is the true goal of human life.

Talking high philosophy often confuses people, but a look from an egoless person can lift the clouds of pain and despair.

Traveling by bus, we see many things on the way and just let them pass by. Watch the thoughts of your minds in the same way.

In times of tragedies, our duty is to lend a helping hand to those in grief and thus light lamps of kindness and compassion.

Love and spiritual values received from parents are the strongest assets for a child to face the various trials of adulthood.

What the world needs are servants, not leaders. Everyone's wish is to become a leader....Let us become a real servant instead.

Fundamentally, what everyone needs is mental strength and confidence, to manage the mind, just as we manage the outside world.

Couples should abstain from sexual relations at least 2 or 3 days a week. Gradually try to reach a stage of celibacy most days.

No one becomes pure and selfless overnight; it involves time and concentrated effort, coupled with tremendous patience and love.

Due to our preconceptions regarding education, we fail to inquire into the most obvious and wondrous field of study - ourselves.

Human beings are born to experience pure love, and they never get it. They are searching to experience it from birth until death.

Each and every object in Nature teaches us something. Renunciation and selflessness are the greatest lessons to learn from Nature.

Keep a constant awareness and a conscious effort to say good words, perform good actions, and to practice patience and compassion.

It is man who, through his thoughts and actions, creates turmoil and disintegration in the natural, harmonious unity of the world.

The person who constantly studies without doing spiritual practice is like the fool who attempts to live in the blueprint of a house.

We give physical exercise to the body, but neglect the heart. The exercise for the heart is uplifting the destitute and the suffering.

Married life, if lived with the proper love and understanding, helps awaken the feminine within a man, and the masculine within a woman.

Fighting the wounds of the past will only deepen those wounds. Relaxation is the method that heals the wounds of the mind, not reaction.

People think that God wants our offerings. God does not need anything from us. He is the giver. He is like the sun - the giver of light.

If we have love and compassion in our hearts, then we will wholeheartedly serve those who suffer from lack of food, clothing and shelter.

The factor stringing together individuals, society and nature is missing from today's educational system. That factor is spiritual values.

Try to make others happy, and don't despair over all the evil in the world. Instead of cursing the dark, let us each light one small lamp.

Our circumstances will continually change. It is out of our control. It is more important to change our attitude, which we have control of.

Grace is openness. By remaining open, you let go of your ego and narrow-minded views, and allow divine grace to express itself through you.

We should serve others without any expectations whatsoever. When others throw thorns at us, we should be able to throw flowers back at them.

Learn to be thankful to everyone, to the entire creation, even to your enemy and also to those who insult, because they all help you to grow

The intellect always cuts and divides like a pair of scissors. The heart sews things together and unites like a needle. The tailor uses both.

Today, our air, food, water-all are polluted. If we do not stop exploiting nature for our temporary selfish gains, we will destroy the world.

Just as the right hand comes to dress the wound on the left hand, we should see another person's sorrows as our own and come to his or her aid.

The impermanent, which is the body, is given too much importance. The permanent, which is the Atman, is completely forgotten. This should change.

Don't go empty handed when going to a temple or to see a spiritual master. Offer something as a symbol of surrender, even if it be a mere flower.

If we have some pet animals, we should feed them also before taking our food. Perceive God in every living being and feed them with that attitude.

Problems arise when you identify with your thoughts and emotions. Try to be a witness to the thoughts instead of being totally identified with them.

There are millions and millions of people who are thrown in the midst of poverty and starvation. Animals don't die of starvation, only human beings.

Whatever binds us most, whatever is dearest to us, that is what we should offer the Lord. Doesn't a mother give her child whatever she thinks is the best?

Most people are concerned only with what they can get from the world, but it is what we are able to give to others that determines the quality of our life

God realization and self-realization are one and the same. God-realization is nothing but the ability and expansiveness of heart to love everything equally.

In God's vision, no inside or outside exists. Still, in the beginning, Mother is asking all to meditate on Him in the heart, in order to achieve concentration.

Children, meditation is not just sitting with our eyes closed. We should take every action as worship. We should be able to experience His presence everywhere.

Many people talk a lot about environmental preservation, but true greatness lies in putting these principles into practice and actually doing something about it.

At the end of the archana, prostrate, then get up and, remaining on the same spot, turn around clockwise 3 times just as if circling a temple, then bow to the Lord.

Spirituality, as expounded by the great saints and sages of the past, is a very broad path. It accommodates all types of belief systems. You need to satisfy everyone.

The greatest tragedy in life is not death; the greatest tragedy takes place when our talents and capabilities are underutilized and allowed to rust while we are living.

Children, even if we lose a million dollars, we can recover it. If we lose one second, we cannot get it back. Every moment that we are not remembering God is lost to us.

Understand this great truth: The happiness that comes from the pleasures of the world is but a minute reflection of the infinite bliss that comes from within your own Self.

"Is God a Man or a Woman ?" The answer to this question is neither God is That. But if you must give God a gender, God is more female than male, for he is contained in She.

When we raise one hand to say "bye-bye" we are gesturing that we are going apart from each other, whereas when we join our palms and bow our head, our hearts become closer.

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