Friends are sometimes boring, but enemies never.

Many pains are imaginary, but all joys are real.

Fantasy mirrors desire. Imagination reshapes it.

Irony regards every simple truth as a challenge.

Perversity depends on reversal and substitution.

Timidity keeps me safe and sad in a narrow room.

Austerity causes constipation; excess, diarrhea.

Wit saves us from being swallowed whole by life.

Worry is not thought; complaining is not action.

A modest demeanor arouses thoughts of seduction.

Lust and greed are more gullible than innocence.

To make a thought my own, I must think it often.

Many think that assigning blame settles matters.

I am kept in bondage by the moles of my beloved.

Cheerfulness is a policy; happiness is a talent.

Jealousy fuses megalomania and self-abandonment.

You know you're in love when you stop comparing.

It's no good being exclusive if nobody wants in.

The rich are happier than we are, and should be.

Most self-laceration is more noisy than painful.

Change often makes accepted customs into crimes.

Addicts turn their pleasures into vengeful Gods.

Losing gracefully is commended but never chosen.

To succeed, find the right rut and stay with it.

Intuition is often mistaken, but not altogether.

Sorrow also fulfills Desire. Example: the Soaps.

Sincerity: willingness to spend one's own money.

Complaining is the favorite pastime of millions.

I enjoy my rights, but I revel in my privileges.

Minds will wander even during the Last Judgment.

Your vanity and my vanity will never be friends.

I gulp down my pleasures, chew over my miseries.

Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story.

Death is always there, just beneath the surface.

The chair as ideas fits only the bottom as idea.

To remain mysterious, say little and do nothing.

To a suicide: You just poisoned the wrong person.

I win on my merits; my opponents win by cheating.

Wisdom cannot prevent a fall, but may cushion it.

Only the most lucid can see their love as comedy.

When a modest man praises himself, people listen.

Illusions are hazardous, and so are disillusions.

The older we become, the more certain our future.

What is Providence for you may be Nemesis for me.

Love begins with an image; lust with a sensation.

After desolation, grief brings back our humanity.

The sheen of ocean gleams on the blue fish-plate.

Anxiety and lust are evicting the older passions.

Ideology has shaped the very sofa on which I sit.

I deplore my shortcomings, but plan to keep them.

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