I regret. I apologize. I blame myself. I continue as before.

Show enough regret, and your refusal will inspire gratitude.

Telescopes and binoculars endanger the ever-distant sublime.

My neglected duties crowd around me in my dreams, murmuring.

Few friendships could survive the moodiness of love affairs.

The passions are the same in every conflict, large or small.

To postpone unpleasantness is human; to forget it is divine.

If I can't serve as a role model, let me serve as a warning.

My young friend supposes his ingenuousness is merely a ruse.

The tranquility of my room partakes too much of Forest Lawn.

Technique bridges among ideas, and sometimes generates them.

People are reluctant to cite boredom as grounds for divorce.

Even a cow creates ambiguous signifiers. The moo of mystery.

Old men feel a slightly reluctant affection for one another.

Photography knows how to authenticate its misrepresentations.

English has borrowed from everywhere and now goes everywhere.

Passion impels our deeds; ideology supplies the explanations.

Cynicism formulates issues clearly, but only to dismiss them.

The Puritan sours his pleasures by disguising them as duties.

Fame is fickle, but Obscurity is usually faithful to the end.

Theory now: concern for truth must not hobble our discussion.

Every perversion has survived many tests of its capabilities.

Imprudence gets us into more trouble than actual misdeeds do.

To love a fool is a misfortune, but does not make one a fool.

The question you're not supposed to ask is the important one.

To avoid discord, never put two wise people in the same room.

Acknowledge your limitations or they will tyrannize over you.

At the end of every diet, the path curves back to the trough.

I wish you joy of your unhappiness, since you cling to it so.

Attacking a belief can be the first step toward embracing it.

Existence is not a mystery unless you think it has a meaning.

Joy goes as deep as sorrow, but leaves less of itself behind.

Lawyers may reason powerfully, but power settles most issues.

I put second things first, and then worry about first things.

Conformity makes everything easier, if you can still breathe.

Beggars remind us that not all miseries arise from our ideas.

Being cultured is the least expensive form of respectability.

Lead the reader toward the thought, then stop a little short.

Thrift is an attractive idea until you get down to specifics.

Lovers remain in the dark, working hard to keep out daylight.

When understanding would be too difficult, I become trusting.

As a comforter, philosophy cannot compete with a good dinner.

The power of the past does not depend on our knowledge of it.

A critic who uses new quotations is making important changes.

Death is just around the corner. If only it would stay there.

Imagination awakens ambition, then causes it to lose its way.

Family romances are the only ones that never turn out happily.

If you corner me, you are going to hear some unwelcome truths.

I feel affluent or not according to what part of town I am in.

Healthy vanity sweeps through life. Sickly vanity lies in bed.

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