The privacy of reading frees us to entertain the alien.

I would be glad to worship success if I could find her.

Kindness eases everything almost as much as money does.

Staid middle age loves the hurricane passions of opera.

To understand a literary style, consider what it omits.

Office politics are bloody-minded, but weak on content.

Without a little negligence, life would be intolerable.

Rage is exciting, but leaves me confused and exhausted.

The absolute has moved into the fortress of the absurd.

I tried good taste, but the strain was too much for me.

Promiscuity turns sex into a sport, like arm-wrestling.

If we think about the obvious long enough, it dissolves.

The sorrow of not being movie stars overwhelms millions.

The grandeur of a philosophy does not certify its truth.

Love Songs Now: Fewer broken hearts, more sexual misery.

Three meals plus bedtime make four sure blessings a day.

Flatter me, but delicately, please, for I am fastidious.

The haiku lets meaning float; the aphorism pins it down.

I know that I am what I am. But I am not sure what I am.

Dignity takes alarm at the unexpected sound of laughter.

Sexual attraction pairs people, but does not match them.

Dancing and running shake up the chemistry of happiness.

To confer dignity, forgive. To express contempt, forget.

The parade was here, but it disappeared around a corner.

To understand someone, find out how he spends his money.

Everyone makes sexy sounds; relatively few, sexy sights.

Popular culture is seductive; high culture is imperious.

Sexual attraction makes the strangest bedfellows of all.

I do not regret the folly of my youth, but the timidity.

Lying just for the fun of it is either art or pathology.

Not even self-love can always be counted on for support.

Youth demands more than ordinary life. Age clings to it.

Creative memory is the historian's most subtle opponent.

Forgiveness is like faith. You have to keep reviving it.

If you belong to the underclass, you are already guilty.

Life just keeps unfolding, ignoring our praise or blame.

You gave me a significant look, but significant of what?

Warning: fortune cookies don't care what happens to you.

Every representation, even of an orgy, is a sublimation.

Our public monuments are memorials to the Enlightenment.

A sheep who goes looking for a wolf is sure to find one.

I am too impatient to wait for temptation to come to me.

The higher the moral tone, the more suspect the speaker.

Always late: thus I make you the prisoner of my freedom.

No need to be sentimental to mourn the loss of Paradise.

The egg is the symbol of perfection. Do you want an egg?

Nothing goes sour more easily than the life of pleasure.

Don't sacrifice yourself for me. I will not be grateful.

Kafka: cries of helplessness in twenty powerful volumes.

Every good time that goes on too long turns into a hell.

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