I believe that dignified work is a value in itself.

There's no point whining about missed opportunities.

The question of societal fairness is always pertinent.

The EU is a community of values, not military buildups.

You can be sure that I won't experiment with right-wing terms.

Europe was founded as a community bound together by solidarity.

European policy is always an interplay of rationality and emotion.

You have to let the people vote when it comes to a new constitution.

For German Social Democracy, Europe is vital to the national interest.

Donald Trump is not just a problem for the EU, but for the whole world.

In the days before the vote, I bet that the British would stay in the EU.

I would never attack somebody only because they belong to a different party.

Trump is the freely elected president of the U.S. and as such deserves respect.

In times of upheaval, people wish for nothing more than composure and sincerity.

It is courageous to occasionally admit that there are certain things one can't do.

I believe it is wrong to give Moscow a rebate on Ukraine sanctions because of Syria.

Donald Trump must be taken seriously. He is fulfilling his dangerous campaign promises.

You can't always be demanding solidarity from others and then refuse to show it yourself.

I am a man of parliament, a man of the people. I am not a representative of the executives.

I have friends in politics who really put the friendship to the test through their behavior.

Political leaders need to formulate long-term EU goals that show: Yes, we want to stay together.

I believe that the majority of people in Europe want to demonstrate solidarity with the refugees.

For many people, politics in Brussels and Strasbourg might as well be happening on another planet.

[Helmut] Kohl said Europe must return to being a community committed to stability and the rule of law.

Primary responsibility for Brexit lies with British conservatives, who took an entire continent hostage.

But if you constantly insist only on your own interpretation, it isn't long before it seems patronizing.

I'm not a populist. But I try to present complicated issues in such a way that people know where I stand.

Complementing the nation-state as it reaches its limits amid globalization: That is what Europe must offer.

Keeping quiet and letting the others do the talking. That may be Angela Merkel's method, but it's not mine.

My worry is that Donald Trump may inspire copycats, also in Europe. That's why I hope Hillary Clinton wins.

We won't get any growth in Greece by just imposing cuts. What I would prefer is a special economic zone for Greece.

There are surely people in London who would love to play us off against each other. That would be disastrous for the EU.

If we no longer judge the content of people's actions, but merely their form, then we are entering dangerous times indeed.

People who work hard for their money cannot be placed in a worse position that those who allow their money to work for them.

Having a place to live is a fundamental right and the state must establish a framework that ensures that apartments are affordable.

I'm fully aware that my vision of a European bicameral parliament can't be implemented tomorrow. I'm also not an integration fanatic.

In political life, it is extremely difficult to remain loyal to a friendship when constellations of power or interests are in the way.

The EU is an unique project that replaced war with peace, hate with solidarity. Overwhelming emotion for awarding of Nobel prize to EU

A joint European army is a very far-reaching proposal and it would be difficult to implement. Such initiatives are nevertheless needed.

I am grateful to the Germans in general, particularly those who displayed unending dedication to the refugees and who continue to do so.

We are living through an epochal shift. If we aren't careful, the elementary foundations of our pluralistic democracy will be threatened.

The dangerous glorification of the nation state, and the baiting of minorities that goes along with it, releases an anti-democratic energy.

The claim made by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán that the refugee question is a German problem is incorrect. It is a European problem.

I believe the people should have the opportunity to have a greater influence on politics with their ideas. We need a new impulse for renewal.

It's not attractive at the moment to vouch for the European idea. I still do it, because I believe nothing would be better for our continent.

The problem with us EU politicians is that we approach everything with cool rationality, and then wonder why we don't win people over emotionally.

The principles of the SPD have remained the same for 150 years: democracy, human dignity, justice and inclusion. We will never change those principles.

Britain, Europe's second largest economy, a member of the G-7 and the UN Security Council, wants to leave the EU. That weakens us and it weakens Britain.

In 2003, Helmut Schmidt said: Predatory capitalism exists, we have to civilize it and we can do that via Europe. He was right. We haven't tried hard enough.

Many who have voted for the AfD, or who intend to do so, aren't doing so because they are dyed-in-the-wool enemies of democracy. Rather, they are desperate.

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