Let the misanthrope shun men and abjure; the most are rather lovable than hateful.

Not few nor light are the burdens of life; then load it not with heaviness of spirit.

Memory is not wisdom; idiots can by rote repeat volumes. Yet what is wisdom without memory?

Every green herb, from the lotus to the darnel, is rich with delicate aids to help incurious man.

O Death, what are thou? nurse of dreamless slumbers freshening the fevered flesh to a wakefulness eternal.

Our cares are all To-day, our joys are all To-day; And in one little word, our life, what is it but--To-day?

Ridicule is a weak weapon when pointed at a strong mind; but common people are cowards and dread an empty laugh.

Men scanning the surface count the wicked happy; they see not the frightful dreams that crowd a bad man's pillow.

He who commits a wrong will himself inevitably see the writing on the wall, though the world may not count him guilty.

I have sped by land and sea, and mingled with much people, but never yet could find a spot unsunned by human kindness.

A letter, timely writ, is a rivet to the chain of affection; And a letter, untimely delayed, is as rust to the solder.

Lay not the plummet to the line; religion hath no landmarks; no human keenness can discern the subtle shades of faith.

Take the good with the evil, for ye all are pensioners of God, and none may choose or refuse the cup His wisdom mixeth.

True wisdom, laboring to expound, heareth others readily; False wisdom, sturdy to deny, closeth up her mind to argument.

Blunted unto goodness is the heart which anger never stirreth, but that which hatred swelleth, is keen to carve out evil.

Life is as the current spark on the miner's wheel of flints; While it spinneth, there is light; stop it, all is darkness.

Invention is activity of mind, as fire is air in motion; a sharpening of the spiritual sight, to discern hidden aptitudes.

As thou directest the power, harm or advantage will follow, and the torrent that swept the valley may be led to turn a mill.

A man looketh on his little one as a being of better hope; in himself ambition is dead, but it bath a resurrection in his son.

Policy counselleth a gift, given wisely and in season; And policy afterwards approveth it, for great is the influence of gifts.

A man too careful of danger liveth in continual torment, But a cheerful expecter of the best hath a fountain of joy within him.

Labour is good for a man, bracing up his energies to conquest, And without it life is dull, the man perceiving himself useless.

Deep is the sea, and deep is hell, but pride mineth deeper; it is coiled as a poisonous worm about the foundations of the soul.

Travel is a ceaseless fount of surface education, But its wisdom will be simply superficial, if thou add not thoughts to things.

In a dream thou mayst live a lifetime, and all be forgotten in the morning: Even such is life, and so soon perisheth its memory.

Humility is the softening shadow before the stature of Excellence, And lieth lowly on the ground, beloved and lovely as the violet.

Law hath dominion over all things, over universal mind and matter; For there are reciprocities of rights, which no creature can gainsay.

When thou choosest a wife, think not only of thyself, but of those God may give thee of her, that they reproach thee not for their being.

How beautiful is modesty! It winneth upon all beholders; but a word or a glance may destroy the pure love that should have been for thee.

Anger is a noble infirmity; the generous failing of the just; the one degree that riseth above zeal, asserting the prerogative of virtue.

Search out the wisdom of nature, there is depth in all her doings; she seemeth prodigal of power, yet her rules are the maxims of frugality.

Many a beggar at the crossway, or gray-haired shepherd on the plain, hath more of the end of all wealth than hundreds who multiply the means.

There is a limit to enjoyment, though the sources of wealth be boundlessAnd the choicest pleasures of life lie within the ring of moderation.

To despond is to lie ungrateful beforehand. Be not looking for evil. Often thou drainest the gall of fear while evil is passing by thy dwelling.

Rashly, nor ofttimes truly, doth man pass judgment on his brother; for he seeth not the springs of the heart, nor heareth the reasons of the mind.

Who shall guess what I may be?Who can tell my fortune to me?For, bravest and brightest that ever was sungMay be - and shall be - the lot of the young!

To be accurate, write; to remember, write; to know thine own mind, write. And a written prayer is a prayer of faith, special, sure, and to be answered.

A babe in the house is a well-spring of pleasure, a messenger of peace and love, a resting place for innocence on earth, a link between angels and men.

None is poor but the mean in mind, the timorous, the weak, and unbelieving; none is wealthy but the affluent in soul, who is satisfied and floweth over.

Faith may rise into miracles of might, as some few wise men have shown; faith may sink into credulities of weakness, as the mass of fools have witnessed.

Be understood in thy teaching, and instruct to this measure of capacity; precepts and rules are repulsive to a child, but happy illustration winneth him.

Alike to the slave and his oppressor cometh night with sweet refreshment, and half of the life of the most wretched is gladdened by the soothings of sleep.

Knowledge is leagued with the universe, and findeth a friend in all things; but ignorance is everywhere a stranger, unwelcome; ill at ease and out of place.

Betray mean terror of ridicule, thou shalt find fools enough to mock thee; but answer thou their language with contempt, and the scoffers will lick thy feet.

As frost to the bud, and blight to the blossom, even such is self-interest to friendship; for confidence cannot dwell where selfishness is porter at the gate.

Contend not in wisdom with a fool, for thy sense maketh much of his conceit; And some errors never would have thriven, had it not been for learned refutation.

Never give up! If adversity presses, Providence wisely has mingled the cup, And the best counsel, in all your distresses, Is the stout watchword of "Never give up."

Never give up! it is wiser and betterAlways to hope, than once to despair.Fling off the load of Doubt's cankering fetter,And break the dark spell of tyrannical care.

How dear to the mind of the sage are the thoughts that are bred in loneliness; for there is as it were music at his heart, and he talketh within him as with friends.

For life, good youth, hath never an illWhich hope cannot scatter, and faith cannot kill;And stubborn realities never shall bindThe free-spreading wings of a cheerful mind.

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